Hon. Archibald Beaton Gillis, representing the Whitewood constit- uency in the Senate of Canada, has been an active factor in the public life of the province for more than three decades and is well known in business circles as president of the Whitewood Trading Company, Limited, and the Whitewood Implement Company. He was horn in Whycocomagh, Nova Scotia, on the 28th of January, 1864, his parents being Donald and Mary Gillis, both of whom were born in Inverness, Scotland. His youth was largely devoted to the acquirement of an education in the public schools. It was in the year 1880 that he came west to the province of Saskatche- wan, where he has won. a place of leadership in political, military and business circles. He is now conducting extensive and profitable business interests as president of the Whitewood Trading Company, Limited, and also as head of the Whitewood Implement Company. The Hon. Mr. Gillis is a supporter of the Liberal-Conservative party and believes in a reasonable protection for Canadian industries. In 1893 he was made postmaster at Whitewood, the duties of which position he discharged with efficiency and dispatch for a period of fifteen years, or until 1908. On the 31st of October, 1893, he was elected to the legislature of the Northwest Territories; in 1897 and again in 1902 was reelected to the same body by acclamation, while in 1905 and 1908 he was returned in contested elections. He was Speaker of the Territorial Legislature from 1901 to 1905.. In 1921 the Hon. Mr. Gillis was called to the Senate of Canada as representative of the Whitewood constituency. His public record is a notable one, both for length and value of service. There is also an interesting military chapter in the life record of the Hon. Archibald B. Gillis. Appointed lieutenant colonel in 1916, he or- ganized the Two Hundred and Seventeenth Overseas Battalion, compris- ing eleven hundred men, which he took overseas. He rendered splendid service as conducting officer in taking detachments to France. In 1923 he was appointed honorary lieutenant colonel of the Eastern Saskatchewan Infantry Battalion. On the 5th of June, 1914, Hon. Mr. Gillis was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Lamont, a native of Chesley, Ontario. He is a Presbyterian in religious faith and belongs to the Masonic and Odd Fellows fraterni- ties. At all times his course has been such as to commend him to the confidence and esteem of those with whom he has been associated, in both public and private life. Bibliography follows:

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