A self-made man in the truest sense of the word, Edmund Lehmann, proprietor of the Saskatoon General Electric Company, is one of the highly respected and esteemed citizens of Saskatoon. He was born in Hamburg, Germany, in April, 1884, a son of Ernest and Amanda Leh- mann, likewise natives of Germany. The father engaged in the black- smith business for many years in Germany and is now living in Hamburg, retired from active life. Edmund Lehmann was educated in the public schools of Hamburg, the public schools of that country offering courses equivalent to those offered by universities in this country, and he was graduated from a technical school in 1906, with the Electrical Engineer's degree. He then worked at his profession throughout Germany, Austria and Norway until 1911, when he came to Canada and became associated with electrical firms in various localities. In that same year he located in Saskatoon and in 1912 engaged in the electrical business on his own account. He saved six hundred dollars from his first winter's earnings after coming here. For a time Mr. Lehmann had a partner in the business but that associa- tion was terminated in a short time and he has since operated indepen- dently. He ships his goods throughout northern Saskatchewan. When he started into business here he went in on a small scale and today he owns his place of business, which is a building fifty by one hundred feet and two stories in height, and occupies the entire building. He deals in electrical machinery and supplies, storage batteries, dynamos, magnetos, and farm lighting plants. In September, 1920, Mr. Lehmann was married to Miss Edith Qual- man, a daughter of Otto Qualman, a native of North Dakota. He farmed in that state for a time and in 1912 came to the province of Saskatche- wan and located at Dundurn, where he purchased two and one-half sec- tions of land. He~put one-half section under cultivation and this he still operates, in association with his sons. Mr. Lehmann is a Lutheran in religious faith. He is a member of the Jovian Order and of the Saska- toon Motor Club. He has made many electrical displays for various fairs and other exhibits and has the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. Bibliography follows:

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