One of Saskatchewan's native sons who is achieving notable success
in his chosen line of work is Cyril H. Lander, manager of the National
Drug Company, with headquarters in Regina. He was born in Saltcoats,
on the 11th of September, 1890, of English parents. His father and
mother, A. B. and Emma (Hillman) Lander, came to Saltcoats as young
people about the year 1886 and were married there. A. B. Lander is a
jeweler of Saltcoats and a prominent citizen, having served as mayor for
two or three terms, been president of the Board of Trade and a leader
in Conservative politics in that region. He and his wife are communi-
cants of the Anglican church. They have lived all their married life in
Saltcoats, where Mr. Lander has been in his present business for thirty-
five years.
Cyril H. Lander is the oldest of four children. He obtained his edu-
cation in the public schools of his birthplace and at the youthful age of
fourteen went to work as a clerk in a drug store. On June 5, 1914, when
he was twenty-four, he took and successfully passed his examination in
pharmacy, thus becoming a licensed pharmacist. For two years prior
to this he had been traveling for the National Drug Company and con-
tinued as a salesman for that organization until 1917, when he was
promoted to the position of buyer and sales manager and came to Regina
in that capacity. He was made manager of the National Drug Company
in 1919, his present position. The district of southern Saskatchewan is
entirely under his care and he keeps six salesmen out on the road to
cover his territory.
Mr. Lander's position is a very responsible one for so young a man
to hold, but he has proven himself a capable manager and has produced
efficiency in every department. His business associates feel that a better
man for the place could not be found, as he has just the right qualifica-
tions of ability and experience to fit him for his work. All of Mr.
Lander's successes have not been made within the organization of the
National Drug Company, however. In 1922 he had the honor of being
elected president of the Canadian Credit Men's Association and is now a
member of the governing board.
On the 27th of June, 1918, Mr. Lander was married to Miss Ruby
McElroy, a native of Ottawa, Ontario, where she was reared and edu-
cated. Unlike his father, Cyril H. Lander has not become interested in
party politics and pursues an independent course in his voting. He
plays golf at the Regina Golf Club and has always maintained an interest
in athletic events. Both he and Mrs. Lander are members of the Angli-
can church and fraternally he is a Scottish Rite Mason.
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