One of the representative dentists of the province of Saskatchewan is
Dr. Hugh Leitch, who has engaged in the practice of his profession in
Regina since 1913. He was born in Glasgow~ Scotland, in 1879, a son of
Peter and Mary (MacDonald) Leitch, likewise natives of Scotland, who
came to Canada in early life and located at Brandon, Manitoba. In
Scotland the father engaged in the mercantile business but in this coun-
try he acquired a homestead and followed agricultural pursuits. He
owned three sections of well improved land at the time of his death.
Both he and his wife died on the original homestead. To them eight
children were born, five of whom are living, Hugh Leitch, whose name
introduces this review, being the fourth in order of birth. The religious
faith of Mr. and Mrs. Leitch was that of the Scotch Presbyterian church
and during their lifetime both were active in church work. Fraternally
he was identified with the Masons and his political allegiance was given
to the Conservative party.
In the acquirement of his education Hugh Leitch attended the coun-
try schools near Alexandria and later enrolled in Manitoba College for a
course in arts and sciences. His earliest ambition was to enter a profes-
sion and in due time he became a student in Temple University, Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, from which institution he
was graduated with the D. D. S. degree in 1905. He began the practice
of his chosen profession in Carlyle, Saskatchewan, and remained there
from 1907 to 1913, when he came to Regina and has since practiced here.
He is a constant student of his profession and has taken considerable
postgraduate work. He has recently discovered a new anesthetic, which
he is now putting on the market, and which will prove of great assistance
to the profession.
In June of the year 1922 Dr. Leitch was married to Miss Pearl B.
Dowswell, who was reared and received her education in Ontario. Mrs.
Leitch is a woman of culture and refinement and she is prominent in the
club and social circles of Regina. She is an active member of the Meth-
odist church. Fraternally the Doctor is identified with the Masons and
he is likewise a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He
follows an independent course in politics, giving his support to the man
he thinks best fitted for the office without regard to party principles.
lie maintains an active interest in civic affairs, being ever mindful of
the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship. His aid can always
be counted upon in the promotion of measures for the good of the com-
munity. He is sincerely devoted to his profession and is a prominent
member of the Saskatchewan Dental Society.
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