
New updated version of the resources page. It has moved here -->Saskatchewan Gen Web Resources

This listing combined with Getting Started and First Time Visitors is a compilation of some information and online resources of many on the internet to help you to get past the 'brick wall' in your genealogy research for the general provincial area of Saskatchewan, Canada. There are also resources which are located regionally. Please e-mail if you know of more information or online resources that should be added. Also please contact the webmaster if you find a dead link on any of the pages, so it can be corrected and the site can remain current. Your help is much appreciated in this regards. Français Comments?

Resources for Provincial Research


Saskatchewan Genealogy Web : Sask Gen Web E-Magazine

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The submitted article (Subject to approval) should be related to Saskatchewan or helpful to Saskatchewan genealogists and historians.


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It is the intention of this site Saskatchewan/index-resources.html to make Saskatchewan resources available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. Any resource or helpful hint you have acquired while using the internet for genealogical research could be forwarded to the Webmaster so that the website can be corrected and updated for future users of this site. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. There are no service charges or fees for use of this service, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This page is dedicated to the free sharing of this Saskatchewan resource data. Any further use of these web pages on this site would require permission from the the Webmaster of this site as per copyright laws in Canada.

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