Hungarian (Magyar) Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

Hungary- Hungarian - Austria - Austrian - Slavs of Austro-Hungary

In 1867, there was an Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

The Hungaro-Croatian Compromise of 1868 (The Nagodba) brought under the monarchy of Hungary the lands of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia.

The Hapsburg Dynasty, may classify folks as Austrian, though they may be Croatian, Czech, German, Italian, Ukraninan, Polish, Romanian, Slovene or Slovak.

Source | Bibliography | Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

Hungary - Hungarian - (as well as Burgenland province, Austria)

1922 Maps The New World Atlas and Gazetteer - Austria Hungary Czechoslavakia Roumania Jugoslavia

Atlas of Saskatchewan Bloc Settlements: HUNGARIAN Ethnic Bloc Settlements 1850s-1990s Map

Atlas of Saskatchewan Group Settlements

Austria Genealogy Languages and Translations

Botragy migration to Kipling Saskatchewan district of Bekevar

CANADIAN STUDIES ON HUNGARIANS, 1886-1986:An Annotated Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources

Catholic Encyclopedia : Greek Catholics in America

Catholic Encyclopedia: Hungarian Catholics in America

Cyndi's List Austria / Österreich

East European Research Group

East European Gen Web

Esterhazy, Saskatchewan

Ethnic-Hungarian Mailing Lists HUNGARIAN-TRADITIONS

FEEFHS Map Room Austro-Hungarian Empire (1882) Austria, Styria, Tyrol

FEEFHS East European MAP ROOM Austro-Hungarian Empire

First Hungarians in North America

Hungarian Emigration to Pittsburgh

Hungarian Society of Victoria


Hungarian Studies Review, 1998 - Contents Canadian Studies on Hungarians:

The Hungaro-Croatian Compromise of 1868 (The Nagodba)

Hungary Catalog LDS - Immigration Emigration indexes

Hungary Gen Web - Hungary Links - groups

Hungary Mailing Lists

Hungary Collections Heirloom Seiries

Immigrants to Canada - Hungarians, Croatians, Romanians, Slovaks and Czechs

Immigrants to Canada - Extracts From the Immigration Report of 1887 Pertaining to Settlement in the West - Hungarian

Kaposvar: The Faith of Lajos Nagy - Director Profile - A Scattering of Seeds : The Creation of Canada

Kennedy Saskatchewan
"Early in the century a large Hungarian settlement was established at Bekevar, a few miles west of the village. "

Kipling,Sask. Dec. 02 90th Anniversary of Calvary Baptist Church Kipling, Sk, Ca and the History of the Calvary Baptist Church Bekevar, Sk

Local Catholic Church History and Genealogy Canada
"Most Rev. Attila Mikloshazy, S.J., titular bishop of Castel Minore and Bishop for Hungarian Emigrants throughout the world, resides in Canada"

Megwritten - Heritage Project Home Page Julia Balogh (Toth)

New World Atlas and Gazetteer 1922 Map of Austria, Hungary, Czecho-slovakia, Roumania, Jugo-slavia

Orbans In The World "Across the Prairies in Saskatchewan, in the small village of Arbury on a grid road, just a little south of the Hamlet of Serath, off the #6 Highway, half of the population are called Orban!"

Otthon Hungarian Cemetery -Otthon United Church Cemetery -Rural Municipality of Cana # 214
Hungarian (Magyar) Genealogical Word List

Otthon, Saskatchewan Hungarian Settlement-
  • Barsi
  • Barsi Children
  • Founders of Town
  • End of Founders List
  • Hungarian Cemetery
  • Joseph Barsi
  • Otthon Plaque
  • Otthon United Church
  • Otthon United Church Name
  • Otthon United Church Name

Our Roots Nos Racines From forest to field, 1903-1983 : Mistatim and districts Mistatim and Districts History Book Committee: Mistatim, Saskatchewan

Our Roots Nos Racines Life as it was : Prud'homme, Saskatchewan, 1897-1981 Prudhomme History Committee, St. Laszlo School District #2544

Our Roots Nos Racines With faith and hope : St. Laszlo, our heritage St. Laszlo Historical Committee: Hungarians--Saskatchewan--Biography St. Laszlo Parish

Radix - Genealogy research in Hungary
--Emigration from Hungary to the USA 1899-1913. Data of Hungarian counties. (Maps!)
--Emigration from Hungary / the figures of European ports between 1871-1913
--The ethnic division of immigrants from Hungary to the USA between 1900-1912
--Immigrants from Hungary to the USA 1898-1913 : Break-down by states

Research Guide FamilySearch Hungarian Genealogical Word List

RootsWeb: CAN-SASKATCHEWAN-L Archives (October 2001) Matyasfold, Saskatchewan

RootsWeb: HUNGARY-L Hungarian migration from Wilkes-Barre to Kaposvar-Esterhaz, Saskatchewan in 1885

RootsWeb: HUNGARY-L Kipling, Saskatchewan (was named Békevár, Saskatchewan)

»»»See Austria - Austrian: Bukovina

Towards a History of the Hungarian Ethnic Group of the United States - Observations on S.B. Várdy's Hungarians of the New World

Town of Esterhazy -"Hungarian aristocrat turned Canadian immigration agent, Count Paul Oscar Esterhazy and the Kaposvar colony"

Zichydorf Village Association- ZVA - Brief History of Zichydorf Colony

Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

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