This page helps to source out passenger lists, and methods of immigration. For more about the ethnic place of origin, and citizenhip see history and the Saskatchewan Ethnic Origins project
Many of the immigrants to Canada during the early 1900's came via the port of Halifax or New York. The various passenger lists help to trace your ancestors journey from their homeland to various parts of North America. It is sometimes best to do other research first before starting here, to narrow down the search range of dates and reels to search through. The various mailing lists have very knowledgable people familiar with immigration patterns of various cultures and times of departure of various ships which coincide with emigration patterns.
Before this time, if they were of English extraction they came via the Hudson Bay trade routes through Hudson Bay and traveled through to Northern Saskatchewan. If the they were of French descent they came through the St. Lawrence waterway, via Winnipeg and through to Saskatchewan via inland routes.
| Information regarding Passenger Lists | 100 years of emigrant ships from Norway
American and Canadian Passenger/Emigration Registers - Everton Publishers
Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Canada > General
CAN-Naturalizations Mailing List
Canada Immigrants Mailing List
Immigration Records - at National Archives
Héritage Portal Records of entry : ship notifications of arrival, 1865-19228 digitized microfilm reels
Héritage Portal Immigration Program : Headquarters central registry files575 digitized microfilm reels "...This collection consists of records containing the core subject files of the Ottawa headquarters of the federal office responsible for immigration, on all aspects of its activities under the Immigration Act from about 1892 to about 1946. Some files also contain earlier or later correspondence, incorporated into the series for reference purposes or to document continuing cases. "
Héritage Portal Index to Passenger Lists, 1900-190878 digitized microfilm reels "...This collection consists of two groups of manifest indexes. The first group dates from 1906 to 1920 and is organized chronologically by date of arrival for each ship, regardless of the port. The second group dates from 1921 to 1948 and is organized alphabetically by the name of a ship. The indexes include arrivals at the port of Quebec, Halifax and Saint John. All of the manifest indexes include the names of the passengers for each ship, which are provided in alphabetical order by surname. "
Home children Arrivals at American Ports
Immigration Records - (1925-1935) Searchable Database at National Archives Archivia Net - Library and Archives Canada LAC --The names of immigrants arriving from overseas are recorded in passenger lists. --Those arriving from or via the United States are recorded in border entry lists.
Immigration and Citizenship Records Additionally at Library and Archives Canada LAC:- Canadian Naturalization, 1915-1951
- Citizenship Registration Records, 1851-1945 - Montreal Circuit Court
- Home Children, 1869-1930
- Immigrants at Grosse Īle Quarantine Station, 1832-1937
- Immigrants Before 1865
- Immigrants from China, 1885-1949
- Immigrants from the Russian Empire, 1898-1922
- Immigrants Sponsored by the Montreal Emigrant Society, 1832
- Naturalization Records, 1828-1850 - Upper Canada and Canada West
- Passenger Lists and Border Entries, 1925-1935 - Nominal Indexes
- Passenger Lists for the Port of Quebec City, 1865-1900
- Passenger Lists, 1865-1922
What to Search : Topics - Genealogy and Family History - Library and Archives Canada. LAC. Passenger Lists, Immigration and Citizenship
Canadian Immigration Records Part I -
Canadian Census and Naturalization Records
Canadian Genealogy Centre - Immigration and citizenship- Terminology and Abbreviations
- After 1935
- Passenger Lists before 1865
- Immigrants from the Russian Empire (LI-RA-MA Collection)
- Passenger Lists, 1865-1935
- Home Children
- Form 30A, 1919-1924 (Ocean Arrivals)
- Passports
- Border Entry
- Citizenship
- Form 30, 1919-1924 (Border Entries)
Canadian Immigration Theme Page
Canadian Naturalization 1915-1951 - Library and Archives Canada ~ search by name 1915-1936
Canadian Naturalization 1915-1951 - Library and Archives Canada ~ Search by DATE (1936-1951)
Canadian Passport Office-Consular Services - Crossroads of Culture : Canadian Immigration - Destination Canada
Cyndi's List - Ships & Passenger Lists
Cyndi's List - Ports of Entry
Ellis IslandFamily History Sources at IHRC Immigration History Resource Center
Film T-5471 Report of Admissions at the Port of Gretna, Manitoba for the Month of April, 1910
Finding Ship Passenger Lists & Immigration Records 1820-1940s
Gateway to Searchable Online Passenger Lists All about Immigration and emigration
Genealogy Resources on the Internet - GENERAL USA MAILING LISTS
--German immigrants and families after arrival in America MAILING LIST --ancestors/descendants of immigrants to US, and Native Americans, prior to 1700 MAILING LIST
The Grosse Īle Quarantine Station a quarantine station to prevent Asiatic cholera and other contagious diseases from spreading in Canada from immigrants arriving in Quebec ports
Immigrants to Canada in Nineteenth Century ~ Ships ~ Emigration Reports ~ Emigration Handbooks
Immigrants to Grosse Īle Quarantine Station
Immigration Mailing
--Information about Researching Passenger Lists
--Links to Commercial Sites which will Research Passenger Lists --Information in Archives (includes a link to NARA for those researching in the US) --Information about Ships --Individual Ships & Collections of Lists --Disasters
Guide to Immigration Records and Ship's Passenger Lists - Section 3.0
Héritage Portal Department of Immigration: Soundex card index to names of children in selected first central registry files 3 digitized microfilm reels This collection consists of a card index to the names of some of the immigrant children arriving in Canada from 1892 to 1932. The names appear in lists collected in Immigration Branch subject files relating to specific juvenile immigration schemes and sponsoring organizations such as the Barnardo, Middlemore, Macpherson, Cossar and Quarrier Homes, the Salvation Army, the Church of England Waifs and Strays Society, and others.
Immigrant Arrivals: A Guide To Published Sources (Library of Congress)
Immigrant Diaries and Guides Moving Here, Staying Here, The Canadian Immigrant Experience - "Work and wages : or, The penny emigrant's guide to the United States and Canada, for female servants, laborers, mechanics, farmers, &c, by Vere Foster, 1855"
Immigrants Journey
Immigrants to Canada Immigration of 1887 for the west- Ranches in North West Territories
Immigrants to Canada
Immigration and Ships Passenger Lists Research Guide
Immigration Records Microfilm CATalog Converter
Immigration Records (Ship Passenger Arrival Records and Land Border Entries)
Immigration Mailing Lists
Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 consisting of 13 reels from Canada Library and Archives digitized by Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T521 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 2629 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T522 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 3039 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T523 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 2546 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T524 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 3119 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T525 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 2494 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T526 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 2991 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T527 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 2756 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T528 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 3037 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T529 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 2668 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T530 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 1815 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T531 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 2176 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T532 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 1698 pages. Index to Passenger Lists 1900-1908 Reel T533 Digitized Microfilm Reel online at from Canadian Library and Archives. This digitisation project has scanned 2032 pages.
Ingeneas Canadian passenger/immigration records
Lloyd's Register marine information sheet: Immigration and emigration
Locating Canadian Ships Everton's Family History Newsline
Lou Alfano's Database of Ship Description's and Histories
Lunenburg County Nove Scotia Gen Web Passenger ships lists
The National Archive of England, Wales and the United Kingdom (PRO)
Newspaper Records of Passengers to Canada
Nova Scotia Gen Web --Passenger List information for immigrants arriving through Halifax
Our Lost Family in America - passenger lists and immigration informationPassenger Lists
Passenger Lists 1865 - 1919: Global Gazette: September 17, 1999 Vol. III Number 17
Passengers On The Ship "APOLLO" 1783: to Port Roseway ( now Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada) from New York on 8th June 1783.
"Pier 21 reached out and greeted all who disembarked" Everton's Family History Newsline
Researching Ships, Passenger Lists Ship and Passenger Lists and Such :)
Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service [INS] St. Albans Lists
Pier 21 Gateway to Canada
RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: Canada: CANADIAN-TRAIN-DISASTERS
Rootsweb :Genealogy Mailing Lists: Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration - Canada
- General
- French immigrants
- German Immigrants
- Irish immigrants
- Scottish Immigrants
- Ukrainian Immigrants
- Immigration
- Ship records
- Ships from England
- Ships from Europe
- Ships from Ireland
- Ships from Scotland
- Ships from Sweden
Rootsweb Boards > Topics > Migration- Migration patterns
- Rivers in migration routes
Saskatchewan Archives | Family History Research | Federal Government Records | Passenger Lists and Citizenship (Naturalization) Records
Sskatchewan and its People 1924 * The Peopling of Saskatchewan. o Immigration. o The European Immigrant. * Personal Knowledge of the European Immigrant
Searching Passenger Lists Using the LDS Family History Library Catalog: Global Gazette Ships Arriving in 1890 - 1930 (taken from the Morton Allan Directory)
Ships and Immigration - AHSGR
Ship Information Database
Ship Information Database
The Ships List /A>
The Ships List Searchable Archives Database
Ships Passenter Lists and Indexes
Ship Passenger Lists - Doukhobor immigration to Canada
TheShipsList: Passengers, Ships, Shipwrecks
Tony Cimorelli's Searchable Database of Ships Arriving in 1890 - 1930 (taken from the Morton Allan Directory)
Tracing Immigrant Origins Research Guide from
University of Saskatchewan Archives --Passenger lists on microfilm --Address, hours of operation
US arrivals - Customs Passenger Lists
Upper Canada and Canada West Naturalization Records (1828-1850))
Young Immigrants to Canada Everton's Family History Newsline
Young Immigrants to Canada
What to Search : Topics - Genealogy and Family History - Library and Archives Canada. LAC. Passenger Lists, Immigration and Citizenship
World War II Troop Ship Crossings
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Card Manifests: St. Albans Passenger Arrival Records | In 1894, immigrants destined for the US leaving Canada were inspected and had information recorded on cards about folk who crossed the Canada-US border between 1895-1952. About 3 million cards were issued to passengers who traveled by train through ports along the borders from Washington to Maine. On the card is recorded the passengers name, age, birth, physical description, last residence, job, next of kin in country of departure, family in city of arrival, seaport vessel date of arrival, date and location of border crossing.
Immigration and Passenger Records on Microfilm: NARA National Archives and Records Administration USA:
Immigrant Arrivals: A guide to published Sources
--This above site is in regards to those immigrating to the US, some books may be of use to trace immigrants to Canada as well; because some books are about immigration to North America
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