36 Swiss Family Surnames Found in selected Books
American West European Immigration A Review of Swedish Emigration to America
Bibliography of SWISS Genealogies
Coming To Canada Swiss Mennonites
Cyndi's List - Switzerland / Suisse / Schweiz
Immigrants to Canada - Swiss
Immigrants to Canada - Hungarians, Croats, Slovaks, Czechs, Romanian from Buchs, Sweden
Principality of Liechtenstein Emigration to America (volume 2)A «Ruggeller colony» in Nebraska and Saskatchewan
Niderost, Carl - Biography
SWISS and ITALIAN IGS Index Search
Switzerland Gen Web
Book: Switzerland:
Cornelia SCHRADER-MUGGENTHALER: The Swiss Emigration Book, vol. I (Closson Press: Apollo,PA 1993)
Book: Traugott Ochsner: Ein schweizerisch-kanadischer Auswanderroman, by Hermann Boeschensteirn (Bern: Peter Lang,1992). Novel of a Swiss immigrant to Canada and his experiences in the early 1930's.
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