Austrian Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

Austrian - Austria - Austrian - Galicia - Bukovina - Austro Hungary - Hapsburg Dynasty

The Hapsburg Dynasty 1278 - 1918 ruled this central European country of Austria On censeii and passenger lists residents may be classified as Austrian, though they may be Croatian, Czech, German, Italian, Ukraninan, Polish, Romanian, Slovene or Slovak.

From 1867-1918, there was an Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Likewise, immigrants classed as 'Austrian' may include Germans, Bohemians, Moravians, Slovaks, Ruthenians, Slovenes, Servians, Croats, Roumanians, and Magyars. In 1938, Northern Austria became a part of Germany. As there were many border differences, this was the reason why immigrants registered their country of origin as Austrian. There were German speaking immigrants from Poland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Germany.

In the early 1900s there were German speaking settlers around Mariahilf, Neudorf, Lemberg and Ednwold. These settlers from Bukovina were originally of the Habsburg dynasty. Kendal was also settled by emigrants from the Hapsburg Dynasty, but hailed from Galicia, Austria, Bukovina and Banat.

Some Saskatchewan place names of interest with Austrian settlers in the early 1900's are Ebenezeer, Langenburg, Edenwold, and Neudorf of the Yorkton Gen Web Region. In the Saskatoon Gen Web Region there were Austrian settlements near Vonda, Galicians near Rosthern, and Hungarians near the métis settlement of St. Laurent near Fish Creek. Also Lintlaw (Kamsack Gen Web Region) , the city of Regina (Regina Gen Web Region), and Moose Jaw (Moose Jaw Gen Web Region) are other Saskatchewan place names where there were some early Austrian settlements.

Source | Bibliography | Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

Austrian - Austria - Austrian -

1922 Maps The New World Atlas and Gazetteer - Austria Hungary Czechoslavakia Roumania Jugoslavia

Austria (AUSTRIA’S association with Canada) Austrian Emigration to Pittsburgh

Austrian Representatives in Canada

Austria Genealogy Languages and Translations

Austria Mailing Lists

Biographical Dictionary of Austrians in Canada
contains biographical information on more than 500 Austrians in Canada, such as date and place of birth, education, name of spouse and children where applicable, year of arrival in Canada, residence in Canada, occupation, honours and awards, memberships, and recreational activities.

Bukovina Immigrants in Saskatchewan

Bukovina Society of the Americas

BUKOVINA-GEN The Bukovina Genealogy Mailing List

Cyndi's List Austria / Österreich

Descendants of Wilhelm Friedrich Kornelson

East European Gen Web
  • Albania
  • Austria
  • Banat
  • Batschka
  • Belarus
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Galicia
  • Hungary
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Macedonia
  • Moldova
  • Montenegro
  • Moravia
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Ukraine
  • Yugoslavia

EEGS East European Genealogy Society

Ethnic-Austrian: AUSTRIAN-CANADIAN Mailing List
*-- A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Canadians with Austrian ancestry

Ethnic- Austrian Mailing Lists

FEEFHS East European MAP ROOM Austro-Hungarian Empire

FEEFHS Map Room Austro-Hungarian Empire (1882) Austria, Styria, Tyrol

Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS)

Galicia and Bukovina : a research handbook about Western Ukraine, late 19th and 20th centuries Himka, John-Paul, 1949- Published 1990

Genealogy & Poland on the Internet and elsewhere
"Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow's parents came from Radziechow in 1927 to Saskatoon. Our family came to Weyburn, Saskatchewan in 1927/28"

Government Relations | Office of Protocol and Honours Saskatchewan Order of Merit — 2003 Recipients - Roy J. Romanow, S.O.M.

Handbooks for Foreign Genealogical Research

A History of Austrian Immigration to Canada

History of Austria

Immigration History Research Center IHRC

The Kulak Homestead

LASR Ellis - Bukovina Society Headquarters and Museum

The New World Atlas and Gazetteer 1922 Map of Austria, Hungary, Czecho-slovakia, Roumania, Jugo-slavia

Saskatchewan and Its People 1924:Galicians and Bukowinans.
Settlement East of Saltcoats

Saskatoon Gen Web Area Ukrainian and Polish Ancestry Researcher: Chubak-Czubak, Stadnyk, Slusar, Chaykowski-Czajkowski, Harasymchuk-Harasymczuk, Bryshun, Rawlyk, Gilecki, Kotelko

»»»See German-Saskatchewan - Germany: Bukovina

»»»See Hungary - Hungarian-Saskatchewan

»»»See Poland - Polish-Saskatchewan : Bukovina

»»»See Romania - Romanian-Saskatchewan: Bukovina

»»»See also Russia - Russian-Saskatchewan

»»»See Ukraine - Ukranian - Saskatchewan

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