Chinese Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

China - Chinese

Saskatchewan Settlement Place Names: Numerous chinese towns - family businesses such as operating restaurants and laundry establishments and also acted as temporary and unofficial bankers at the turn of the century. Many Chinese immigrants came to Canada through BC which has the highest population. Many Chinese worked on Railway construction crews and in this way came further east to settle in the prairies.

The Chinese Immigration Act was passed in 1923 which proclaimed the definition of a "Chinaman". A person of Chinese descent was still a Chinaman even if naturalized according to the Naturalization Act of 1914. The Chinese Immigration Act also forbade "Chinamen" from votin, certain employment avenues, and the right to enter or depart from Canada on their own free will. Such a certificate of naturalization affords a naturalized citizen with those rights afforded to a British subject. In Saskatchewan a law was passed forbidding a Chinese employer to bring into his employment any labourers of the female persuasion. The Supreme Court of Canada upheld the verdict that a naturalized citizen of Chinese roots could not follow the practices of a British subject by hiring women at his Moose Jaw restaurant.1

Across the Generations: A History of the Chinese in Canada : Canada's Digital Collections

Asia Gen Web

Canadian Genealogy Center - Chinese

Canadian History News Across the Generations - A History of the Chinese in Canada

Canadian Race Relations Foundation - Asian Heritage - Asian Canadian Community

China Collections Heirloom Seiries

China Gen Web: Translation Exchange

China Mailing List

CCSSS - the Chinese Cultural Society of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Branch


Chinese Canadian Heritage Fund Canadian Steel • Chinese Grit Project

Chinese Canadians

Chinese Cultural Society of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Branch

Chinese Language School of Saskatoon

Chinese Labourers and Immigrants

"...Chinese Immigration Act"

Chinese Surnames

Chinese - The Kids' Site of Canadian Settlement - Library and Archives Canada
Connecting Families: Chinese and Chinese

Cyndi's list - Asia and the Pacific

Early Chinese Canadians 1858–1947 [photos] / Les premiers Canadiens d’origine chinoise 1858-1947BiblioArchives / LibraryArchives

Editorial Issue No. 163 Asian North America in Transit by Glenn Deer

Experience of Chinese Youth Adjusting to Canadian Education
A Summary of a Master's Thesis by Naijian Chen

History: Building the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Kids site of Canadian Settlement

Immigrant Voices Perspective: Chinese Labourers

Learning Chinese Online

Life in 1900 : The Plight of Immigrants

Origins of Chinese Surnames

Book Resource:
        Moon Cakes in Gold Mountain
        From China to the Canadian Plains
        J. Brian Dawson (Calgary)
        Chinese settlement on the Canadian Prairies.
        1-55059-026-x, 1991, 256 pg., pb.,

News in Review Chinese Canadians Chinese Boat People: Human Cargo

Origin of Chinese Surnames, the

Rootsweb Posting Boards : Boards > Topics > Ethnic / Race Chinese

Study Abroad Mandarin Language Programs

Top Chinese Surnames

Tunnels of Moose Jaw Passage to Fortune

Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

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