| Archives Table of Contents | | Archive Usage | The online Archival databases are recently growing by leaps and bounds, and as webmaster it is very exciting to keep up with the new web links provided by archivists and librarians online. It is absolutely amazing the new information which is now available and to see the web sites grow and develop! Two compilation listings where links have been assembled together follow! Archives Canada Virtual Exhibits
Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists SCAA Virtual Exhibits and Digital Projects
What can be found at the NEW Saskatchewan Provincial Archives website? For Saskatchewan museums, history and timelines.
The first week of February is Archives week. In Celebration of this week, the provincial archives is hosts a number of events. In honour of Archives week, Historical photo blog and Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists - (SCAA)- They had written an archival document called: Why an archives week? SCAA- Public Awareness - the previous year's Archive Week and plans for next year. The SCAA archive week. Saskatchewan archive week on facebook Saskatchewan Celebrates Archival Treasures Archives week in February - a note to search for archival events in February annually Museums Association of Saskatchewan - Museum Events, Archives week will be followed by Heritage week, the second week of February
for other events see this news and events listing. This news listing just reported that the Saskatchewan Archives Board is happy to announce that their new online enquiry management and online payment system are now in operation.
 Saskatchewan Provincial Records, 1879-1987 Images from Saskatchewan Archives such as homesteads, voter lists, pioneer questionnaires, biographies, military and municipal records, teacher registries, township registers, and Henderson Directories. Family History Centre Resources at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter DAy Saints Start at an online archival database, and also do some research before using the archives in person. Before using the archives in person check your local library, as records are categorized by subject at a library or LDS and most material is on loan. Archives are not categorized by subject, but by donor organization or person. Material from an archive is not on loan, photocopying can be arranged in most cases. All materials used on archive premises. Be aware of the hours of operation, to allow yourself time to order the records to be retrieved and to also allow yourself sufficient time for your perusal of them in the reading room. Be knowledgable about the collection mandate of each archival institution--The type or category of records that they preserve. An archivist has limited research time. It is best to visit the Archives personally. Specific requests may be made, though extensive searches on mere speculation take up valuable time which could be used making more resources available. Be aware of records held by the archives, which are also on microfilm at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Research Centers, such as homestead records held by provincial archives. Metis Scrip Records may contain additional family information in a Surname database at National Archives. The DOS based program in Special Collections 3rd floor U of S when used in person shows the menu of names, which helps in multiple surname spellings. Whereas the online version you have to vary the spelling yourself in the search engine. Metis scrip records issued to those of part Indian ancestry as compensation for loss of traditional hunting / trapping terittory when treaties were negotiated. Metis Genealogical Research Services offered by Glenbow archives. Métis Scrip - Saskatchewan Homestead Index Project (SHIP) Government Documents on the second floor of the Main University of Saskatchewan Library have some National Archive reels in, or they can order whatever reels are necessary from your search on National Archives online site Top | Resources | Home | National Archives | Canadian Archives home page
Canadian Archival Resources on the Internet -- Introduction to all the Archives of Canada --Saskatchewan Access Site A Behind-the-Scenes Look at LAC: Services for the Public Available in Ottawa | Library and Archives Canada Blog
Library and Archives Canada Discover Blog --> Learn what resources are coming online at the LAC
Discover the Access Codes for Archival Records at Library and Archives Canada | Library and Archives Canada Blog
Document Consultation Services | Library and Archives Canada Blog
How to Order Military Records from the Personnel Records Unit | Library and Archives Canada Blog
Release of New Orientation Video Welcome to Library and Archives Canada | Library and Archives Canada Blog
What You Will Find in a Canadian Military Service File | Library and Archives Canada Blog
How to use the Genealogy and Family History pages | Library and Archives Canada Blog
Black History Month Railway Employees (Employees Provident fund) Under a Northern Star - Railways Black PortersCanadian Genealogical Center Youth Corner
- Aboriginal Documentary Heritage - Archived
- Aboriginal Genealogy
- Aboriginal Heritage
- Alberta and Saskatchewan 1905 an emergent history of province formation
- Births, Marriages and Deaths Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
- Acts of Divorce, 1841-1968
- Births, Marriages and Deaths Recorded in Canada
- Marriage Bonds, 1779-1858 - Upper & Lower Canada
- Names appearing on lists of marriages licences issued in Upper Canada (RG 5 B9) and Lower Canada (RG 4 B28)
- Boer War Canada at War: A Guide to Library and Archives Canada's Websites Recalling the Canadian War Experience
- The Call to DutyCanada's Nursing Sisters
- Canadian Museum of HIstory The Canadian Nursing History Collection
- Censuses (all)
- Census of Canada, 1901
- Census of the Northwest Provinces, 1906<
/li> - Census of Canada, 1911 Library and Archives Canada LAC
- Census of the Prairie Provinces, 1916 - Library and Archives Canada LAC
- Digging into the Past: Family History in Canada
- Discover the Collection
- Biographies
- Databases
- Digitized Microforms
- Electronic Collection
- Open Data
- Research Aids
- Thematic Guides
- Virtual Exhibitions
- Directory of Selected Genealogical Resources
- Discover the Collection - Genealogy and Family History - Saskatchewan
- (More) Census information including transcriptions
- Census and Enumerations Library and Archives Canada LAC (Some years searchable by name or location)
- About the 1825 Census for Lower Canada
- About the 1831 Census for Lower Canada
- About the 1842 Census for Canada East
- About the 1842 Census for Canada West
- About the 1851 Census
- About the 1861 Census
- About the 1870 Census of Manitoba
- About the 1871 Census (Canada)
- About the 1881 Census
- About the 1891 Census
- About the 1901 Census
- About the 1906 Census
- About the 1911 Census
- About the 1916 Census
- About the Federal Census of 1871 (Ontario)
- Catalogue of Census Returns on Microfilm, 1666-1901
- Genealogy and Family History. LIbrary and Archives Canada (LAC)
- Geographical Index List: Saskatchewan Newspaper indexes listed by cities in Saskatchewan
- Home Children for British Home Children who arrived in Canada 1869-1930 (searchable by name )
- Immigration Records - (1925-1935) Searchable Database at National Archives Archivia Net
--The names of immigrants arriving from overseas are recorded in passenger lists. --Those arriving from or via the United States are recorded in border entry lists.Immigration and Citizenship Records Additionally:- Canadian Naturalization, 1915-1951
- Citizenship Registration Records, 1851-1945 - Montreal Circuit Court
- Home Children, 1869-1930
- Immigrants at Grosse Île Quarantine Station, 1832-1937
- Immigrants Before 1865
- Immigrants from China, 1885-1949
- Immigrants from the Russian Empire, 1898-1922
- Immigrants Sponsored by the Montreal Emigrant Society, 1832
- Naturalization Records, 1828-1850 - Upper Canada and Canada West
- Passenger Lists and Border Entries, 1925-1935 - Nominal Indexes (searchable by name )
- Passenger Lists for the Port of Quebec City, 1865-1900
- Passenger Lists, 1865-1922 (searchable by name )
- Naturalization and Immigration Records
- Indian Reserves - Maps - Western Canada
- Maps, Plans and Charts
- Alberta/Assiniboia and Saskatchewan/Manitoba Commissions i.e. Applications, Scrip Certificates, Money Scrip, Land Scrip, Receipts, etc.
- Military Library and Archives Canada LCA
- Black Loyalist Refugees, 1782-1807 - Port Roseway Associates
- Courts Martial of the First World War
- Loyalists in the Maritimes — Ward Chipman Muster Master's Office, 1777–1785
- Military Medals, Honours and Awards, 1812–1969
- Service Files of the Royal Canadian Navy, 1910-1941 - Ledger Sheets
- Service Files of the Second World War - War Dead, 1939-1947
- Soldiers of the First World War: 1914-1918
- South African War, 1899-1902 - Service Files, Medals and Land Applications
- War Diaries of the First World War (Archived)
- People / Biography
- People Library and Archives Canada LAC
- Canadian Directories: Who was Where (Archived)
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online [www.biographi.ca]
- North West Mounted Police (NWMP) - Personnel Records, 1873-1904
- Post Offices and Postmasters
- Project Naming
- Railway Employees (Employees Provident Fund)
- Photographs: Canadian Nurses
- Post offices...NOTE a great place to find the legal land locations of historic Saskatchean placenames! (searchable by name or location)
- Postal Archives
P.O. Reports of Site Locations, 1837 - 1950 - Railway Employees Library And Archives Canada (LAC) -
Search Database by Surname and Given Name - Name
- Date and place of birth
- Occupation
- Rate of pay per month
- Department
- Location
- Change in pay and occupation over time
- Entering and leaving dates for service with the railway.
Railways Library And Archives Canada (LAC)
Railways -Under a Northern Star. - Black Porters. Search database
Residential Schools - Photographic Collections - Saskatchewan
Services to the Public: Researcher Services How to Obtain copies of records Soldiers of the First World War — Canadian Expeditionary Force..to search for WW1 records 1914-1918 (searchable by name)
Soldiers of the South African War (1899-1902) — Boer War
Naturalization Records, 1915–1951 ) War - Military Heritage
Western Land Grants (1870-1930)... ...The Dominion Government issued Letters of Patent to those homesteaders who successfully proved their homesteads. (searchable by name or location) Homestead records (more information)
Canadian Archival Information Network CAIN
Visiting the National Archives of Canada: Global Gazette: Hints and Lists
Top | Resources | Home | Provincial Archives | Saskatchewan Archives Board
Saskatchewan Archives Board *** Introduction to the Archives ***
Saskatchewan Archives Board *** Your visit to the archives ***
Saskatchewan Archives Board *** FAQ***
Saskatchewan Archives Board *** Threshold, our archival management database.*** (approx 600,000 archival records online)
Saskatchewan Archives Board *** Family History Research***
Saskatchewan Archives Board *** Getting Started in Family History Organisational steps***
What can be found at the NEW Saskatchewan Provincial Archives website?
Saskatchewan Archives and Libraries at FamilySearch.org
Saskatchewan Archival Information Network (SAIN)
Saskatchewan Archives Board - Photo Blog alternate link --help Saskatchewan Archives identify some fascinating historic photographs
Saskatchewan Archives and Libraries ~ Learn ~ FamilySearch.org
Saskatchewan Historic Newspapers Online (SHNO) (More newspaper information)
Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists SCAA Saskatoon Geo-Cache archives Puzzle A geocache you can do without driving your vehicle!
Saskatchewan Archives Board > Land Records > Search for a Pre-1930 Homestead File is a transcription of homestead record holdings at the Provincial Archives. Saskatoon office has the paper original documents and Regina office the microfilm images. The Provincial Government of Saskatchewan managed the land titles offices, and the correspondence and forms that transpired between homesteader and the provincial land titles office are available from Saskatchewan Provincial Offices. Provincial Archives may have a file on the homesteader even if the land was not proved successfully and title not granted, or if the land was a pre-emption. The Hudson's Bay Company transferred Rupert's Land and the Northwest Territories to the Dominion Goverment in 1868. Even though Saskatchewan became a province in 1905, the lands and natural resources were not transferred to provincial authority until 1930. Another search engine which finds the same records is The Saskatchewan Homestead Index Project (SHIP)
Any homestead records held by the Provincial Archives are also on microfilm at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. At the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints there are Saskatchewan homestead records, 1870-1930, and index Canada. Department of the Interior. Dominion Lands Branch (Main Author) Notes Microfilm of originals at the Saskatchewan Archives, Saskatoon. The index gives name of homesteader, location of land (section, town- ship and range) and file number. Please go to the online LDS site; "Library", and "Family History Library Catalog" for the microfilm reel numbers. Provincial archives have limited research services, and it is best to start your research at a library or by doing an online search at Land Grants of Western Canada, 1870-1930 (Those homesteaders who successfully proved their land and were awarded land patents) , or come to Saskatchewan Provincial Offices land records (land record applications by all who tried to homestead)in person and receive help from the archivist to direct you in your research.
Saskatchewan Provincial Records, 1879-1987 Images from Saskatchewan Archives such as homesteads, voter lists, pioneer questionnaires, biographies, military and municipal records, teacher registries, township registers, and Henderson Directories. Family History Centre Resources
Pioneers questionnaires taken circa 1950, has listing searchable of all the names for those who took part in answering this early survey of the pioneer lifestyles.
First Nations and Métis Records
Family Search Historical Record Collections. Saskatchewan Cemetery Transcripts, ca. 1850-1994- Saskatchewan Provincial Records, 1879-1987 (Browse Images)
- Saskatchewan, Catholic Church Records, 1846-1957 Browse Images)
- Saskatchewan, Judicial District Court Records, 1891-1954 Browse Images)
- Saskatchewan, Probate Estate Files, 1887-1931 (coming online)
Saskatchewan Archives - Estevan Riot
Main Street Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Archives Board *** Family History Research *** Saskatchewan Archives Board - Programs and Services Contact The Archives of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Archives Board C/o University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2 Phone (306) 787-4066 Fax(306) 787-1975 Saskatchewan Archives Board University of Saskatchewan 3 Campus Drive Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5A4 Phone (306) 933-5833 Fax(306) 933-7305 Métis Scrip Our Legacy - University of Saskatchewan Archives, University of Saskatchewan Library, and Pahkisimon Nuye?ah Library System
Northern Saskatchewan ArchivesBy Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists on facebook
Saskatchewan Council for Archives and ArchivistsNon-Profit Organization on facebook
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| SAIN Saskatchewan Archival Information Network | Saskatchewan Archival Information Network (SAIN) and the Manitoba Archival Information Network (MAIN)
Saskatchewan Archival Information Network / Manitoba Archival Information Network
Top | Resources | Home | Archives Other Holdings of Interest to Genealogists and Historians | Archival Records Oxbow Museum Canadian Archival Resources on the Internet Alphabetical Listing| Archives Canada Canada Gen Web Archives --Downloadable files. Directory of Archives:database of Canadian repositories (Search for 'Saskatchewan') Glenbow Archives--Museum Art Gallery Archives Alberta Hudson Bay Company Archives Manitoba Archives Provincial Archives of Manitoba - Family History Research N.W.T. Archives Saskatchewan Council of Archives Sask Gen Web Archives --Primary source files for download or searchable databases Top | Resources | Home | City Archives | City of Regina Archives Explore the City of Regina Historical Collections
City of Regina Virtual Archives. ( 6,000,000 documents of legal, historical, administrative or financial value online)
City of Saskatoon Archives
City of Saskatoon Search, Discover Your Home (Property) History FAQ
City of Saskatoon Archives - City of Saskatoon DEPARTMENTS City Clerk's Office City Archives
Saskatchewan Municipal Records ~ Learn ~ FamilySearch.org
Name | Rural municipality | Year founded | Incorporation date (village) | Incorporation date (town) | Incorporation date (city) | Estevan | Estevan No. 5 | 1892 | November 2, 1899 | 01-Mar-06 | 01-Mar-57 | Flin Flon (part ~ straddles Manitoba - Saskatchewan border) | Municipal District of Flin Flon (Mb) | — | — | 13 April 1946 (Mb) | 26 June 1970 (Mb) | Humboldt | Humboldt No. 370 | 1875 | 30-Jun-05 | 01-Apr-07 | 07-Nov-00 | Lloydminster / history / Regional (part ~ straddles Alberta - Saskatchewan border) | Britannia No. 502 | 1903 | 25-Nov-03 | 01-Apr-07 | 01-Jan-58 | Martensville | Corman Park No. 344 | 1939 | 01-Sep-66 | 01-Jan-69 | 03-Nov-09 | Meadow Lake | Meadow Lake No. 588 | 1889 | 24-Aug-31 | 01-Feb-36 | 09-Nov-09 | Melfort | Star City No. 428 | 1884 | 04-Nov-03 | 01-Jul-07 | 02-Sep-80 | Melville | Cana No. 214 | 1908 | 21-Dec-08 | 01-Nov-09 | 01-Aug-60 | Moose Jaw | Moose Jaw No. 161 | 1881 | — | January 19, 1884 | 20-Nov-03 | North Battleford / facbook | North Battleford No. 437 | 1905 | 21-Mar-06 | 18-Jul-06 | 01-May-13 | Prince Albert / Historical Society / SK Sports Hall of Fame / (pdf) | Prince Albert No. 461 | 1866 | — | October 8, 1885 | 08-Oct-04 | Regina | Sherwood No. 159 | 1882 | — | December 1, 1883 | 19-Jun-03 | Saskatoon | Corman Park No. 344 | 1883 | 16-Nov-01 | 01-Jul-03 | 26-May-06 | Swift Current / By Decade | Swift Current No. 137 | 1882 | 04-Feb-04 | 15-Mar-07 | 15-Jan-14 | Warman | Corman Park No. 344 | 1904 | 15-May-05 | 19-May-05 | 27-Oct-12 | Weyburn | Weyburn No. 67 | 1899 | 22-Oct-00 | 05-Aug-03 | 01-Sep-13 | Yorkton | Orkney No. 244 | 1882 | July 11, 1894 | 16-Apr-00 | 01-Feb-28 | "In Saskatchewan, towns must have a population above 5,000 in order to be granted city status. In Saskatchewan, towns are formed from villages or resort villages with a population of at least 500 people. The people of an organized hamlet may request that the hamlet be incorporated as a village or resort village. In order to qualify, the hamlet must have been an organized hamlet for at least 3 years, have a population of at least 100 in the most recent census, and contain at least 50 separate dwelling units or business premises.
Types of incorporated municipalities include urban municipalities, rural municipalities and northern municipalities. Urban municipalities are further classified into four sub-types – cities, towns, villages and resort villages. Northern municipalities, which are located in the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District (NSAD), are further classified into three sub-types – northern towns, northern villages and northern hamlets. Rural municipalities are not classified into sub-types.
Types of unincorporated communities include hamlets and organized hamlets within rural municipalities and northern settlements within the NSAD.
The administration of rural municipalities, towns, villages, resort villages, organized hamlets, and hamlets is regulated by The Municipalities Act, while the administration of cities is regulated by The Cities Act. Administration of northern towns, northern villages, northern hamlets, and northern settlements (those within the NSAD) is regulated by The Northern Municipalities Act."source |
Biggar Encyclopedia - an online "virtual town archives" undertaken by genealogist Rae Chamberlain working with the Biggar and Distrtict Heritage Museum
Top | Resources | Home | University Archives | University of Regina Archives --***Use this Archives if you wish information about faculty, staff or historical information at the University of Regina *** Mandate--Preservation of University records University of Saskatchewan Archives --***Use this Archives if you wish information about faculty, staff or historical information at the University of Saskatchewan. Mandate--Preservation of University records
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Visitor # Web Master: Sask Gen Webmaster, for Sask Gen Web Project Web Page title:http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cansk/Saskatchewan/archive.html Links checked March 19, 2016 Last Updated: Guestbook Genealogy Queries