Home | Lookups | Queries | Resources | Surnames | Contact This project is in need of volunteers for this region's web pages, provide email links to look-up resources, transcribe data, etc... Please e-mail Julia, if you might be interested in volunteering for this provincial region, please read the World Gen Web Policies and Procedures. You may also wish to read the World Gen Web Frequently Asked Questions page. The following public domain items are encouraged for submission:
- History
- Resource Addresses (Libraries, archives)
- Society Addresses - Genealogy - history
- Maps
- Geography Culture and Religious History
- Links to Query Boards/Message Board systems
- Archived Mail List
- Reference Materials (census, deeds, biographies, etc.)
For all interim inquiries or updates please e-mail Julia until we have a new host.Sue and Angela were the previous hosts and guides for the Regina Region. New links and information will help other researchers. So if you have some relevant links or info, just email me or e-mail Regina Gen Web Host and the helpful information will be posted online. Also, if you find any errors or omissions let me know.
Do you have a personal family history website? Are your ancestors from the Regina Area (area as per the boundaries for this site)? Would you like to be included on this site? If you answered yes to these questions, email me and I will create a links page just for this purpose. (Commercial sites need not apply)
CAN-SK-REGINA MAILING LIST This was a mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, historical, or cultural interest in the Regina Gen Web Region of Saskatchewan. Topics you may find on this list may be general genealogical queries, heritage, history, culture, genealogy of particular ethnic groups, etc Archived mailing list
If you have any ideas or suggestions for other "topics" you would like to see included on this site, just let me know. Thanks! Sue, Angela and the Regina Gen Web Host .
Places in the Regina Gen Web Region
All these places with links have a homepage or some information about them.
Aylesbury, Balgonie, Beechy, Belle Plaine, Bethune, Birsay, Bladworth, Bridgeford, Broderick, Brownlee, Buena Vista, Bulyea, Caronport, Central Butte,Chamberlain, Chaplin, Coteau Beach, Craik, Craven, Cutbank, Cymric, Darmody, DavidsonDemaine, Dilke, Dinsmore, Disley, Dunblane, Duval, Earl Grey, Elbow, Eyebrow, Findlater, Forgan, Gibbs, Girvin, Glen Kerr, Glenside, Gouldtown, Govan, Grand Coulee, Grandview Beach, Hawarden, Herbert, Holdfast, Hughton, Imperial, Keeler, Kenaston, Lake Valley, Lawson, Leinan, Liberty, Loreburn, Lucky Lake, Lumsden, Macrorie, Main Centre, Marquis, Mawer, Morse, Pense, Penzance, Prairie View, Regina, Regina Beach, Riverhurst, Rush Lake, Saskatchewan Beach, Semans, Serath, Silton, Simpson, Stalwart, Stewart Valley, Stony Beach, Strasbourg, Strongfield, Tugaske, Tuxford, Waldeck, White City, Wiseton.
Welcome! You are our -- )
Come again soon!
If you have any Suggestions, Comments or you just feel like writing to someone -- This site was generously
and is now hosted by saskgenweb.ca Saskatchewan Genealogy Web
Some Graphics by Wise Owl Shareware
Wise Owl Shareware
Smiley Face by Pleasure Gait Farms
Pleasure Gait Farms
Moose by Krazy Moose Free Canadian Graphics
Moose Free Canadian Graphics
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet Volunteers wanted. You can be part of this project. Contact Sue and Angela and Julia
Welcome to a new chapter in the history of Regina and its surrounding areas! The Regina and area Gen Web volunteers are excited to announce our new domain at https://saskgenweb.ca/skregina/Regina. We are dedicated to continuing the important work of documenting Saskatchewan's genealogy, history, family stories, community heritage, one-room schoolhouses, cemeteries, headstones, historical maps, and the wealth of vanished placenames. These resources are invaluable for those tracing their roots or seeking historical insights.
With the generous support of our growing Patreon community at https://www.patreon.com/SaskGenWeb, we have secured a new domain and hosting to ensure the continuity of this valuable service. We invite you to explore our evolving webpages at https://saskgenweb.ca/skregina/Regina for the Regina and area Gen Web Project in Saskatchewan at https://saskgenweb.ca/cansk/.
Step into this new era with us, where your support, in any form, is a precious offering to the shared history that binds us. As we delve into preserving and commemorating the vibrant history of Regina and its environs, your participation is crucial. Whether you hold memories of historical maps, one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, transcriptions, yearbooks, directories, or historical letters, your input significantly enhances the understanding for fellow seekers exploring their family tree and histories.
An appeal is also made to preserve valuable documents such as old telephone books, Henderson's directories, city directories, pioneer photos, letters, books, town directories, co-op membership books, credit union and elevator books, grain company records, church books, cattle brand books, school records, church lists, homestead maps, and more. These documents list the names of residents and are crucial primary sources that should be preserved and made available online.
Join us in this exciting journey of preserving and celebrating the history of Regina and its surrounding areas. Your contributions, whether memories or support, make a significant impact on our collective heritage.
The Regina and Area Gen Web Project Volunteer Team
© Copyright 1996-