English - Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

England - English - British - UK

Introduction | Links | Homechildren | Submit new biographies.

There were different reasons, settlement places and time frames for English immigration to Saskatchewan.

English Gentleman Adventurers: The Hudson Bay Company (HBC) was first incorporated in 1670 as "The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudson's Bay," or "Company of Adventurers From England" to make, ordain, and establish within the Land and Territory so admitted as aforesaid all such Laws, Institutions, and Ordinances, and to constitute such Courts and Officers, as may be necessary for the Peace, Order, and good Government of Her Majesty's Subjects and others therein. Rupert's Land Act 1868. " Early explorers paved the way to establish Cumberland House (1774) the first of many HBC trading posts built in the area now know as Saskatchewan. HBC fur trading posts were established along water ways facilitating travel by canoe and York Boat and they were located mainly in northern Saskatchewan as this more heavily forested area favored the fur trade. The British ran the Hudson Bay Company (1670-1863) from its head office in England, and the various indigenous tribes brought furs to the Hudson Bay Trading Post till 1774 when Cumberland House was built. The Hudson Bay then hired Orkney Island men and British orphans as 'pedlars'. A ship sailed annually to York Factory on the Hudson Bay. In 1821, the administration districts of the Northwest Company and the Hudson Bay Company are merged into the Hudson Bay Company. Many retirees of the Hudson Bay Company settled with a Canadian family in the Red River Settlement. The Anglican, Protestant, Church of England missionary posts helped establish education and were the backbone for the public school system now used in Saskatchewan. The HBC posts are listed at the Hudson Bay Company Archives (HBCA) web site: Hudson Bay Company Forts.

British North America: Canada's Dominion Lands Act of 1872 initiated a huge campaign with Private, Railway and Government Land Colonization companies all advertising for settlers to come West to Canada. These settlement areas were mainly south of the tree line. Victorian England (1815-1914) encouraged emigration as Britain emerged from the industrial revolution (1750 - 1850). Many immigrants were attracted by the Dominion Government, Railway and land agency advertisements portraying Canada's west was seen as a wild, romantic, frontier British colony. The immigration of the late 1800's was mainly from Eastern Canada and Britain, recreating the west from a fur trading frontier to an industrial farming capitalist metropolis. These 'Orangemen' were of the protestant faith, valued fealty to the British Empire, and Victorian belief systems.

Boer War (1899-1902) Canada sent support to Britain in the Anglo-Boer War in South Africa. Veterans of the Boer War received scrip land in Western Canada, some settling near Little Quill Lake Mair, and Scrip, Saskatchewan.

British Home Children (1880-1930)* : 100,000 children were emigrated to Canada by fifty child-care organizations: Bernardo children, children from the Church of England Waifs and Strays Society, etc. The British Child Emigration Scheme whereby Britain wished to populate its colonies persisted until the mid-1960's interrupted only by WWI and WWII also sending 15,000 children to Australia, New Zealand, and Africa. These children were between the ages of 6 and 15, and many were sent to Canadian farms to work as indentured farm labourers. Some older boys from St Vincent’s Orphanage in London were placed in Saskatchewan and Alberta by Father A Douglas. The Government of Canada designates 2010 as the Year of the British Home Child..

Héritage Portal Department of Immigration: Soundex card index to names of children in selected first central registry files 3 digitized microfilm reels
This collection consists of a card index to the names of some of the immigrant children arriving in Canada from 1892 to 1932. The names appear in lists collected in Immigration Branch subject files relating to specific juvenile immigration schemes and sponsoring organizations such as the Barnardo, Middlemore, Macpherson, Cossar and Quarrier Homes, the Salvation Army, the Church of England Waifs and Strays Society, and others.

Parliament British Home Child Apology Petitions

immigrantchildren.ca » 2010 Year of the British Home Child

Young Immigrants to Canada Researching Your British Home Child In Canada

British Harvester Assisted Immigration of the 1920's: During the 4 week period of harvest, many farm labourers were required to help homesteaders with the harvest. Rail lines, and shipping companies in conjunction with the Dominion and British Government enabled lower rates on fares to Canada for those seeking employment during this time. In 1923, 12,000 British immigrants came and 80% stayed. In 1928, 8,500 British immigrants arrived in 66 reserved vessels. About 600-700 of these immigrants went immediately to the United States. Some stayed to help with the harvest and 6,368 eventually returned to England. In 1929 approximately 3,952 British harvesters came to the west. In the 1930's harvesters were more heavily recruited from B.C. and the U.S.. Harvesters were recruited locally until improved mechanization enabled the farmer to be more self sufficient during harvest.

English - Saskatchewan Colonies:

Coal Creek Colony : The Coal Creek Colony was established by 38 English families enticed by Canadian Pacific Railway advertisements. They settled in the spring of 1930 south west of Rockglen, Saskatchewan. Due to the 1930's drought, initially 13 families migrated further north to the North Battleford, Saskatchewan , Wynyard, Saskatchewan areas, and by 1937 only 6 families remained.

East London Artisans Colony near Moosomin in the Qu'Appelle River Valley started up in 1880. These settlers were sponsored by Lord de Winton and Baroness Burdett-Coutts.

Cannington Manor was a bachelor society initiated by Captain Edward Mitchell Pierce. The Moose Mountain Trading Company established this English middle class society south of Moosomin, Saskatchewan.

Barr Colony: 2,000 immigrants excited by an article written by Rev. Exton Lloyd, an Anglican clergyman, to 'The Times' and further expounded by Rev. Isaac Moses Barr left England in 1903. In 1904, they were joined by an additional influx of settlers who travelled by rail to Edmonton and followed the Saskatchewan River to the Brittania Colony, later called the Barr Colony. The immigrants included Reservists and Yeoman from the South African Boer War, Western Australia gold miners, India and Ceylon tea planters, and Englishmen from other British colonies Hong Kong, Brazil, Central and North Africa, Egypt who had all heard of Brittania (Barr) Colony. The city of Lloydminster in this area still bears tribute in its name to Rev. Exton Lloyd. Due to natural increase Paynton, Aberfeldy, Southminster, Buzzard, Marshall (later called Stringer Settlement) were Saskatchewan towns also settled by Barr Colonists.

Bell Farm (1882-1896) was an inspiration of Major William R. Bell. The Bell Farm lands included the town of Winro and was located in Valley Farming Company Lands north of Indian Head, Saskatchewan, and east of Qu'Appelle. Many of the families who worked at the Bell Farm later purchased these lands when the 13,000 Bell Farm acres were offered for sale in 1896. The Bell Farm no longer exists as it could not meet its colonization requirements set out at purchase time by the Dominion Government. Some of the reasons are: the Rail line went south of the farm, 16 squatters not aware of the Bell Farm arrangement demanded restitution for land they had an interest to homestead, Bell Farm staff enlisted in the North West Rebellion causing the economic condition of the Farm to flounder in this 1885, the railway upped the price for odd numbered sections of the Bell Farm area.

Saskatchewan Settlement Placenames:

On the 1881 census the North West territories had a population of 19,000 of which 15,000 were first nations, 3,000 mixed, and 1,000 British and Canadian settlers. There was a large English settlement area already established in southern Ontario ( called "Upper Canada" before confederation 1867). Approximately 57% of Saskatchewan residents were classified as British on the 1901 census. The following are towns initially settled by English settlers. Due the rush of immigrants who came to the prairies following the homestead offer by the Dominion Land Act of 1872 many towns and areas became a mixture of ethnocultures as people pressed further west to claim land.

Moose Jaw Gen Web Region supports the settlements of Baildon (Cataraqui district), and Kayville which had original settlement by the English.

Cannington Manor (The East London Artisans), East London Artisan Colony are situated in southern Saskatchewan in the Weyburn Gen Web region.

Dilke, Hednesford, Imperial, Lumsden, Penzance were some settlements in the Regina Gen Web Region.

In the Yorkton Gen Web Area there are settlement place names of Abernethy Homestead, Churchbridge, Cotham, Saltcoats (Church Colonization and Land Co.), Sumner Parish(near Esterhazy), Yorkton, Qu'appelle Farming Company (Bell Farm).

Anglia, Evesham, Ibstone (was Oban Junction and Charlton),Rutland, Senlac are located in the Battleford Gen Web area.

Found in the Saskatoon Gen Web area are the towns of Crystal Springs, Glamis, Gledhow, MacDowall, Normanton, and the Saskatoon Temperance Colony (Ontario - English settlers) which had an initial settlement of English settlers. See also Canadian-Saskatchewan ethnic resources.

As mentioned above, Aberfeldy (Barr Colonists), Alingly, Ashley (was Hewitt Landing), Barr Colony , Longhope, Marshall (Barr Colonists: Stringer Settlement), Paynton (Barr Colonists) were English settlements found in Lloydminster Gen Web region.

James Isbister started an English speaking settlement near Prince Albert. Also in the Prince Albert Gen Web region were Whitestar (where Brother Corbeil Roman Catholic Orphanage cared for a dozen of the many BHC), and Meath Park.

Source | Bibliography | Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

English - Saskatchewan WWW Links

1922 Maps The New World Atlas and Gazetteer - England and Wales

All In A Name Origin of Names

Atkison, Walter E. - Biography

Anglo Saxon

Annie Elizabeth Hewlett fonds 1887-1974 Cannington Manor

Atlas of Saskatchewan British Bloc Settlements: Ethnic Bloc Settlements 1850s-1990s Map

Atlas of Saskatchewan Group Settlements

Background on Esterhazy

Bailey, William J - biography

Ballantyne, John Henry - biography

Barr Colony

Barr Colony Mailing List

The Bate Family – W. P. (William) & Maud

Beaver Back Issues - E.M. Pierce: founder of Cannington Manor August 1982

Bell Farm - Saskatchewan and its People

British America Mailing List

BritishIslesGenWeb Project

British North America Mailing List

Bushby, Henry Thomas - Biography

Cannington Manor Papers-available Special Collections UofS Library

British Newspapers - Home -1800-1900
Btiish Library searchable database of newspaper archives

C.I.C.Canada | Forging Our Legacy: Canadian Citizenship and Immigration 1900-1977 : The Arrival of the Europeans * British immigration

C.I.C.Canada | Forging Our Legacy: Canadian Citizenship and Immigration 1900-1977 : The Arrival of the Europeans The Barr Colony

City history - Temperance Colony

Cyndi's List - England

Date guide to English Genealogy Part I Part 2 Part 3

Do You Remember? English and Welsh Roots & Remembrance Day: Global Gazette November 19, 1999 Vol. III, No. 23

England Surnames Kate Monk's Onomastikon (Dictionary of Names)

Illustrated London News Emigration Reports 1858,1865 & 1874

Immigrants to Canada - Petworth Immigrants - 1832

England Gen Web Project links

English and Welsh Roots

English & Welsh Databases and Indexes: Global Gazette September 03, 1999 Vol. III, No. 15

English Names of the 1500s Faire names for the English folk

Estevan The Power Center: ST. GILES ANGLICAN Church 1890 Cannington Manor

Faithfull, John E. - Biography

Family History Centres of the Church of Latter-day Saints Global Gazette: English and Welsh Roots: April 15, 1999 Vol. III, No. 06

Finding English & Welsh Immigrants 20th Century Canadian Resources: Global Gazette: English and Welsh Roots: October 27, 2000, Vol. IV No. 15

Free UK Mailing Lists

Garner, Lieuteneant Colonel Albert Coleman - biography

Genuki: Genealogy United Kingdom and Ireland

Getting From Here to There March Global Gazette: English and Welsh Roots:17, 1999 Vol. III, No. 05

George Martin Day biography, British Home Children

Grayson, William, K.C.- biography

Harding, Malcolm Taylor Macadam, D.D. - Biography

Harris, James A. - Biography

Hudson Bay Company Archives

Hudson Bay Company (Map)

Hudson’s Bay Company Museum Collection

Hbc Heritage - Corporate Collections - Other Institutions - A Gift to the Nation

Hudson's Bay Company - Exploring Westward - 18th Century - Pathfinders and Passageways

The Hudson's Bay Company and North West Company forts at Île-à-la-Crosse, 1820, by George Back - The Canadian West - Exhibitions - Library and Archives Canada

History:Canadian History-Canada Online Net Links

Hudson Bay Company Archives

Immigrant Voices Perspective: European Immigrant

John Morrison 1932 Cannington Manor-available Special Collections UofS Library

Civilization.ca - The Last Best West: Advertising for immigrants

Did your ancestors come from England? Library and Archives Canada Blog

Lectures on the Industrial Revolution

Letters from Cannington Manor, Assiniboia, North West Territories, (Saskatchewan), Canada 1892-1893

Letters to Hudson Bay company employees

Naming Patterns English and Welsh 1700-1870

The National Archives UK | The Catalogue | Quick reference

North American English Mailing List

OLD-ENGLISH MAILING LIST (support group discussing the deciphering old English documents)

Onomastics bibligraphy

Osborne, Walter - Biography

Park Information Cannington Manot

Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: Pioneer west no. 1 Historical Society of Alberta 1969 The Barr Colony, a Fifth Canadian Assembly

PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS L'Autre En Nouvelle-France / The Other In Early Canada CORNELIUS J. JAENEN (Cannington Manor)

FamilySearch Research Guide
  • 1881 British Census Indexes
  • Census Worksheet [Description]
  • Map, 1974 to 1996 County Structure
  • Map, Pre-1974 County Structure
  • How to Use Civil Registration Birth Records
  • How to Use Civil Registration Death Records
  • , How to Use Civil Registration Marriage Records
  • Research Outline
  • Historical Background [Description]
  • How to Find Compiled Sources
  • How to Find Family Histories
  • How to Find Information About the Place Where Your Ancestor Lived
  • How to Find Maps
  • How to Find the Name of the Place Where Your Ancestor Lived
  • How to Use Census Records [Description]
  • How to Use Census Street Indexes
  • How to Use Census Surname Indexes
  • How to Use Church of England Records to Find Burial Information
  • How to Use Church of England Records to Find Christening Information
  • How to Use Church of England Records to Find Marriage Information
  • How to Use Church Records 1538 to the Present
  • How to Use Court Records
  • How to Use District Registry Wills for 1858 to 1925
  • How to Use Land Records
  • How to Use Military Records
  • How to Use Nonconformist Church Records
  • How to Use Pre-1858 Probate Records
  • How to Use Principal Probate Registry Indexes
  • How to Use Principal Registry Wills for 1858 to 1925
  • How to Use Probate Records from 1858 to the Present
  • Maps Register
  • Probate Guides
  • Street Index Register, 1841, 1851, 1861 , 1871 , 1881, 1891

Rootsweb Posting Boards Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > United Kingdom and Ireland > English Emigrants

Rootsweb Posting Boards Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Ships from England

Rootsweb Message Boards - Boards > Topics > Research Resources
  • LookUps
    • Canada
    • LDS
    • LookUps
    • United Kingdom

Rose, William - biography

Saskatchewan and its People 1924: The East London Settlement Seeber, Orville F. - Biography

Sources for Research in English Genealogy

Stanier Family fonds 451 pages scanned by Canadiana.org from the Canadian National Library and Archives microfilm H1229. The digitization includes Stanier family correspondence, 1885-1953 concerning Cannington Manor in Saskatchewan

Starkey, Walter

Tomlinson, Mordaunt C. - biography

Treetops Family History Page

Traces --includes Canadian Immigration Finding Aids

UNITED KINGDOM MAILING LISTS Genealogy Resources on the Internet

Using Canadian Records to Trace Your British and European Ancestors in Western Canada

Victorian England

Virtual Saskatchewan - Fur Trading at Fort Carlton

Virtual Saskatchewan - Cannington Manor

Woodlawn Cemetery Pioneers Temperance Colony
City of Saskatoon · Departments · Infrastructure Services · Parks

The South Saskatchewan River and the Development of Early Saskatoon 1881-1908

Yarns of western pioneers, The Saskatchewan Farmer. 1 November 1939-available Special Collections UofS Library

Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

Home Children

--"Do you have any English, Irish, Scottish, or Welsh ancestors? Did they emigrate to Canada between 1880 and 1930? Did they come as children unaccompanied by their families? Do you know your relatives only on one side of your family? You may be a descendant of a British Home Child."

Parliament British Home Child Apology Petitions

Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Canada > General

British Home Children Richard John SHINGLER ~James Shingler~ and Joseph SHINGLER born 1893 Stoke-on-Trent, STAFFORDSHIRE, England - Saskatchewan Gen Web

Canada's Invisible Immigrants 100,000 BRITISH HOME CHILDREN

--BHC Names

--Passenger Lists BHC children

--Canadian Census BHC children

--Internet Links

Canadian Center for Home Children
-- FESTIVAL OF THE HOME CHILDREN Sept. 12 - 15, 2002

Child Migrants

Child Migrant Information Department of Health U.K.

Child Migrant information

Child Migrants: Accessing records held by Commonwealth and State ...

--Former Child Migrants

C.I.C.Canada | Forging Our Legacy: Canadian Citizenship and Immigration 1900-1977 : The Arrival of the Europeans The home children

Good British Stock: Child Migration an Overview and a Timeline

Historical Background of Child Migration

Home Children [photos]/ Les petits immigrés anglaisBiblioArchives / LibraryArchives

Home Children Podcast Library and Archives Canada

Home Children National Archives of Canada

Home Children Part I - Introduction | Library and Archives Canada

Home Children Part II - Edward Brignall | Library and Archives Canada

The Home Children Part III - Harold Mornington | Library and Archives Canada

Home Children Part IV - Wallace Ford | Library and Archives Canada

Home Children Part V - The Honourable James Murdock | Library and Archives Canada

Home Children Canada Research Kit

--Home Children Canada Site Menu

Home Children in the Maritimes

Home Children Tweety Bird Genealogy

Links to finding British Home Children BHC ONLINE RESOURCES AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF CANADA -English and Welsh Roots - The Global Gazette

Research Guide Child and Youth Migration to Australia

See also Sask Gen Web Project - Adoptions

Sidney Imms PRODGERS / Sydney James PRODGERS British home child. Pimlico - Westminster London, England >> Hillesden / Windthorst, SK, Canada. Hollie Imms PRODGERS, William Edward IMMS, Louisa Jane Mercy (PUSEY) PRODGERS, John C.A. BARWELL, Albert Wakley GLYDON, Ann and Charles DASH

United Kingdom National Archives The Catalogue

Young Immigrants to Canada (including juveniles and home children)


Bagnell, Kenneth. The Little Immigrants: The Orphans Who Came to Canada. Stoddart, 1986.

Corbett, Gail H. Bernardo Children in Canada. Woodland Publishing, 1981.


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