German Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

German - Germany

Roots on immigration or passport papers may designate "German" if the pioneer sailed from Hamburg, Germany. Also German speaking immigrants may be designated as Russian if this was the nation which issued the exit passport. There were German speaking immigrants from Poland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Germany. Another consideration in tracing ancestral roots is country border changes as well as spelling changes of various languages for example... Bukowina or Buchenland is German, Bukowina is Polish, Bucovina is Romanian, and Bukovyna is Ukrainian.
Germans from Russia were mainly Mennonites of Dutch and German origin who had migrated to Russia before coming to Saskatchewan c1900. First Catherine the Great and Czat Peter III offered an invitation to foreign settlers of free land, freedom to practice religion, local self-government and exemption from compulsory military service. Then again in 1804, Czar Alexander I of Russia and Imperial Government of Germany offered free homesteads and money, cultural freedoms, military exemption and tax exemption for a number of years. At the time of the Napoleonic Wars 1804-1810 these promises looed appealing, and a huge wave of Germans to Russia occured. Under Czar Alexander II, in 1871 priveleges were revoked, policies were changed and these concessions were withdrawn. Russian language was to be taught in schools, local autonomy was lost and no exemptions from military service.
The Homestead Act of 1862 invited these settlers proud of their heritage to the U.S.A... homesteads in the Dakotas. Again free one quarter sections, free one quarter section pre emptions, and frere one quarter section wood lots. These homesteaders had bad implements and poor success breaking the land in the Dakotas.
The Dominion Land Act of 1872 now attracted settlers to Canada. "...One hundred and sixty acres of land was offered... to each settler who paid a filing fee of $10.00 and who resided on the land for three years. The settler, during that time, was required to build a domicile and to break at least fifteen acres of his land." 1, again these Germans from Russia migrated, many settling near Allan, (Curzon, District of Assiniboia, NWT), Rosthern (Rosthern, District of Saskatchewan, NWT), Dundurn, Neudorf, Saskatchewan. German Catholic or Russland Deutsche who had fled to Romania and Russian Ruled Ukraine then emigrating to the U.S.A. and then to Canada.
The Russian Revolution of 1905 There have been German settlements near Rouleau, Wilcox, and Avonlee. The drought of 1880 did encourage the earliest settlersto have stock as well as an agricultural livelihood. The shortage of water at Neudorf causes yet another migration for those settlers, some going to nearby colonies to the North and West or South to Grenfell. Some Neudorf settlers travel to Manitoba and others to Texas, some returning.

Another migration of about 1,000 Sudetan Germans took place when Hitler tookover their home land in 1939. They were granted refuge in the Lloydminster Gen Web Area, north west Saskatchewan. The refugees boarded either the Samaria or the S.S. Montcalm from the Sudeten Mountains in North Bohemia of Czechoslovakia settling in St. Walburg, Brightsand, Goodsoil, Waterhen, Loon River, Makwa, Barthel, Flat Valley and Loon Lake . In 1940 many left to help in the industrial war factories in Quebec and Ontario. A group of people from Wurtemburg, the Palatinate and south west Bavaria spoke a dialect known as "Schwabish", and were known as Swabian settlers. These German settlers did not speak the "Reich"dialect. Sometimes they were registered as Austrian as they may have migrated to Galicia of the Austro-Hungaian empire or Bessarabis, Volhynia or Volga regions of Russia before immigrating to Canada. The main Swabian settlements Of Saskatchewan were Lemberg, Landestreu and Beresina - all of the Yorkton Gen Web region.

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Saskatchewan German Settlement Place Names
end of the 1800's early 1900's

1. Swift Current Gen Web Region
Gull Lake
Maple Creek
St. Mary's Colonies
2. Moose Jaw Gen Web Region
Billimun Colony
St. Elizabeth Colony
3. Weyburn Gen Web Region
Yellow Grass
4. Kindersley Gen Web Region
Krassna Rastadt
Liebenthal Parish (Migration from Germany to Kansas, USA to Liebenthal)
Prelate Parish
5. Regina Gen Web Region
New Elsass German Colony
6. Yorkton Gen Web Region
Ebenezeer (Was named Anoka)
Fort Qu'Appelle
Hohenlohe (Later named Langenburg)
Long Laketon
New Tulcea
7. Battleford Gen Web Region
Leipzig (Eventually this town called Arperes)
North Battleford
St. Joseph's Balgonie German Catholic Colony
St. Paul's Colony
8. Saskatoon Gen Web Region
Dead Moose Lake
Humboldt (Migration from Germany to Minnesota, USA to Humboldt. Originally named Kermaria.)
Lake Lenore
Marysburg (originally named Dead Moose Lake)
St. Aloysius
St. Benedict
St. Gregor
St. Peter's German Catholic Colony
10. Lloydminster Gen Web Region
Loon River
St. Walburg
The Sask Gen Web Regions mentioned in the above table of Saskatchewan place names are the regional sources for posting boards, look up volunteers, and etc. in regards to the above towns.

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German - Germany - Saskatchewan Links

1922 Maps The New World Atlas and Gazetteer Germany

Alberta German Settlements - Bowell and Districts

Ancestors of Jim Steer: Wendelin Schwab & Phillippina Giesinger

Atlas of Saskatchewan German Bloc Settlements Ethnic Bloc Settlements 1850s-1990s Map

Atlas of Saskatchewan Group Settlements

Germany Mailing Lists

Bibliography of the Cultural History of the German-speaking Community in Alberta: 1882-2000 Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Canada > German Immigrants

Boards > Localities > North America > Canada > Saskatchewan > General > StJosephs

Boards for Germany

Boards - German

Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Canada > German Immigrants
*- - Query | Bible | Biography | Birth | Cemetery | Census | Death | Deed | Immigration | Look up | Marriage | Military | Obituary | Pension | Will

Boening, Rev. Henry - biography

Brigette's Pages Germany Resources

Bukovina Society of the Americas

Catholic Germans from Russia and Romania

  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Greenland
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Latvia
  • Liechenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland

C.I.C.Canada | Forging Our Legacy: Canadian Citizenship and Immigration 1900-1977 :German immigration

Cyndi's List Germans from Russia

Cyndi's List Germany / Deutschland

Descendants of Jacob Rommel

Deutsche in Kanada

Deutsche Botschaft Ottawa German institutions in Canada

The ancestors of J.G. Diefenbaker the 13th Canadian prime-minister came from the village of Neidenstein /Germany

Ethnic-German: GERMAN-CANADIAN Mailing List
*--the discussion of issues concerning the settlement of German speaking immigrants coming from anywhere to Canada. The list is a forum for historical and genealogical questions, and sharing of information regarding Germans in Canada and their descendants.

Ethnic-German Mailing Lists

Fridgen Family Tree Wendelin Schwab and Philippina Giesinger

Genealogy Project of Laurelei Primeau : Laurelei's Volhynian Ancestry: Johann (John) Schindel Pauline Schroeder

Genealogy Resources on the Internet - GENERAL USA MAILING LISTS
--German immigrants and families after arrival in America MAILING LIST
--ancestors/descendants of immigrants to US, and Native Americans, prior to 1700 MAILING LIST

German Americana

German-Canadian History Culture deutschkanadische Geschichte Kultur

German Canadian Studies Newsletter

German Canadian Studies Newlstter - Genealogy

German Immigration and Emigration, Genealogy

Germans From Russia Heritage Collection

--North Dakota State University Libraries NDSU

Germans from Russia Heritage Collection - NSDU

Germans from Russia in Western Canada

Germans from Russia Family and Villages Homepages from North Dakota State University Libraries

Germans from Russia Research Marketplace

GR Germans from Russia History

German Genealogy: Emigration from Germany to America

Germans in Canada

Germans from Russia Heritage Society GRHS

Germans in Western Canada, A Vanishing People

German Migration Resource Center

German Names and Last Names

German Surname Meanings

Germany Collections Heirloom Seiries

Germany Gen Web

Héritage Portal Directorate of Internment Operations 2 digitized microfilm reels
"During the Second World War, the Minister of Justice could detain anyone acting "in any manner prejudicial to the public safety or the safety of the state." Thus both enemy nationals, such as Germans, Italians and Japanese peoples. and Canadian citizens were subject to internment. The army and the Secretary of State shared administrative responsibility for internment camps in Canada during the war, and these camps operated in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and New Brunswick. Citizens could also be interned for belonging to outlawed organizations such as the Communist Party, so some felt that internment was used as a weapon against labour leaders.This collection consists of subject files created and retained in the office of the Director of Internment Operations which relate to the internment in Canada of German and Italian prisoners of war and of Canadian residents whose loyalty was suspect during the Second World War. In addition to policy files, there are inspection reports and returns as well as files relating to welfare matters, complaints and intelligence. The series also contains pay documents, medical documents and an alphabetic index of prisoners of war and internees on microfilm (see reels T-7020 to T-7057). These constitute a finding aid to other internment records as they indicate the camps in which the prisoners were held. "

Hrynuik, Pauline (nee Shalansky) oral history submitted by Nat Hrynuik

Lehmann, Edmund - Biography

Origin of German Names

Pier 21 We Became Canadians THE PIONEER SPIRIT

Research Guidance: Germany - Research Outline: FamilySearch
  • Determining a Place of Origin in Germany
  • Genealogical Handbook of German Research
  • German Genealogical Word List
  • German Letter-Writing Guide
  • Germany Research Outline
  • Handwriting Guide: German Gothic
  • How to Use the Meyers Gazetteer
  • Latin Genealogical Word List
  • Modern Germany Map
  • The German Empire Map, 1871 to 1918

Saskatchewan German Council

Niderost, Carl - Biography

Rootsweb Posting Boards Boards > Topics > Ethnic / Race /
  • German
  • Baltic German
  • Language
    • Old German

Rootsweb Posting Boards Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Canada >German immigrants

Rootsweb Posting Boards Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Germans from Russia

Rootsweb Posting Boards Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Ships from Europe

Rootsweb Posting Boards Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Europe > German Emigrants

???See Hutterite

???See Mennonite

???See Poland - Polish: Bukovina

???See Romania - Romanian: Bukovina

???See Russia - Russian

???See Ukraine - Ukranian: Bukovina

Ships and Immigration - AHSGR

Spirit and the Soil

--Count Imhoff information as well as for the area around Humboldt

Translation of German Surnames

Wandering Volhynians Surname List INDEX

Volmer Kopenka: AHSGR Volmer Village "Many of the Sask. Researchers have German Russian heritage and may from the Macklin area are actually descendants of the Volmer villagers"

WANDERING VOLHYNIANS- German-Volhynian Newsletter -

World Roots Diary of a German/American Immigrant

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To submit new biographies of pioneers with German to Saskatchewan Roots.

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Saskatchewan Genealogy Query Posting Boards

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