Russian Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

Russia - Russian

In 1909 Crimean, Russians settled in Billimun ; Moose Jaw Gen Web Region.
Belarus has been a part of the Great Duchy of Litva (Lithuania),Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (BSSR), under Polish power, under German power. Belarusian, Byelorussian, Russian are three languages spoken by Belorussians (Byelorussians). There have been Byelorussians or White Russians who emigrated to Biggar Battleford Gen Web Region, and Erwood Prince Albert Gen Web Region
Russian homesteaders found the Yorkton Gen Web Region prairies similar to their homeland setting up near Duff, Fenwood, Lemberg, and Neudorf
Frohlich which is now known as Holdfast was home to Russian Germans in the Regina Gen Web Region.
Weyburn Gen Web Region had Russian settlers in Magna which has also since changed name to Odessa. The Battleford Gen Web Region was home to Russians at Broadacres, and Salvador.
Great Russian, White Russian or Byelorussian and Ukrainian are designated as "East Slavic" languages.1German speaking immigrants, Jews, Germans, sometimes Lithuanians and Poles may be designated as Russian if this was the nation which issued the exit passport.

Source | Bibliography | Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

Web Page Links

1922 Maps The New World Atlas and Gazetteer - Russia

Bethany Mennonite Church (Lost River, Sk) Mennonite Heritage Centre Archives

Canada Canadians of Russian Origin

Catholic Germans from Russia and Romania

C.I.C.Canada | Forging Our Legacy: Canadian Citizenship and Immigration 1900-1977 : Russian Immigration

Coming To Canada Russian Mennonites

Cyndi's list Germans from Russia

Descendants of Andreas Deutschlander: SUSANNA DEUTSCHLANDER

Descendants of Andreas Ullmer

Distant Cousins -Russian Genealogy Resources on the WEb

Doukhobor Home Page
*--Large groups of Russian Doukhobors emigrated to Canada to homestead in Saskatchewan..

East European Gen Web

Garling Homepage www.garling.worldwide - Russia -"Deutsche in Ural"

German Genealogy

The Germans from Russia in (western) Canada

Germans from Russia Research Marketplace

Germans from Russia Heritage Collection - NSDU

Germans from Russia Family and Villages Homepages from North Dakota State University Libraries

Glowing Dream: The Story of Jacob & Rose Penner

GR Germans from Russia History

Immigrants to Canada - from Continental Europe

The Karlswalde Web Pages The Dirks' trek, 1550-1983

Koening Genealogy

LI-RA-MA Russian Consular Records in Canada - National Archives of Canada

Mennonite Historical Society of Canada: Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel (Blaine Lake, Sask.)

The NDSU Libraries: Germans From Russia

Paul Goldschmidt's Dictionary of Russian Names - Grammar

Prairies North: Saskatchewan's Life Magazine Tolstoy, the Bible, and Everything Veregin, Saskatchewan

Researching Russian Roots - Russia Gen Web

Rootsweb Posting Boards Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Ships from Europe

Russia Kate Monk's Onomastikon (Dictionary of Names) Russian Names of Greek Origin
--(Kate Monk's Onomastikon )


Russia Collections Heirloom Seiries

???See also Doukhobors

St. Joseph's Colony: The Heidt/Heit Family of Tramping Lake

Volmer Kopenka: AHSGR Volmer Village "Many of the Sask. Researchers have German Russian heritage and may from the Macklin area are actually descendants of the Volmer villagers"

Wandering Volhynians Surname List INDEX

WANDERING VOLHYNIANS- German-Volhynian Newsletter -

Who are the Mennonites? - Third Way Cafe - Mennonite Stew - A Glossary History and Immigration of Mennonites into Canada

Wrestling with the Spirit - A Dukhobor Story

Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

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