Other Ethnocultures - Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

Other Ethnocultures in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan is a very diverse mosaic of very many cultures and backgrounds.

There are some cultures and backgrounds to still be listed with their own individual Ethnic-Saskatchewan web page and their Saskatchewan home towns identified. There were differing waves of immigration to Saskatchewan and some cultures settled more prominently in Saskatchewan than others. This page is to give representation to any Saskatchewan ancestors not identified on their own Ethnic-Saskatchewan web page. If there is a lot of response for any culture, a new web page will be created for them.

Some countries of origin or ethnocultural backgrounds without an Ethnic-Saskatchewan web page at this time are:
Pakistani, Pakistan, Arab, Japan, Japanese, Egyptian, Egypt, Filipino, Filipines, Lebanese, Lebanon, Tibet, Tibetan, West Indian, West Indies, East Indian, East Indies, Portugal, Portugese, Yugoslavia.

Please e-mail to identify any cultures not listed or to add any links or information for Saskatchewan ancestors with roots from the above countries.
Please feel free to e-mail with any additional information, Saskatchewan ethnic placenames, comments or links etc in regards to ethnic settlements, history, schools, language etc in regards to Saskatchewan or historical Saskatchewan ethnic culture, and it will be added to the website. I need your help to better tailor this website to suit your interests. Would you like to express your ancestor's story of immigration? "Would you have a comment or suggestion directly related to the webpages? Do you have any information on any ethnic background or culture of Saskatchewan. This is your chance to help increase information on the web in regards to this wonderful province of Saskatchewan and its multi cultural diversity and history.
You are invited to post your surname interest at Saskatchewan Surnames or your ethnic heritage, migration pattern or query on the Sask Gen Web regional posting boards for your particular Saskatchewan place name

Did your ancestors come from Japan? Library and Archives Canada Blog

Immigration to Saskatchewan, Ship passenger list information
Héritage Portal Radnik Fonds 1 digitized microfilm reel
"......This collection consists of correspondence, financial records and other material relating to the return of Yugoslav-Canadians to Yugoslavia to assist in rebuilding the country during the years 1946 to 1948. These individuals with their families also donated funds and purchased equipment and machinery. They returned to Yugoslavia on the ship, Radnik, but many of these people subsequently sought to return to Canada. . . "

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Researcher: Kylee Glover
Ancestor Name:Middleton, Marjory Haywood: - 1998
Departure yearFrom this residence:Comments/Ship name:
Lang, Sk. Canada
Fillmore, Sk. Canada

Marjory was an only child (younger sibling died at birth). She had two cousins in lang same age that lived across the road. (both boys) Her mother's maiden name was Haywood.