Spanish Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

Hispanic - Spanish

Saskatchewan Settlement Place Names: In the Swift Current Gen Web Region are Success, and settlements in the Cypress Hills Area. Val Marie is located in the Moose Jaw Gen Web Region. Lake Alma and Alameda of the Weyburn Gen Web Region are located in south eastern Saskatchewan. Whereas the town of Success is located in the Kindersley Gen Web Region. Spanish immigrants came to the city of Regina as well as to Findlater in the Regina Gen Web Region. Saskatoon Gen Web Region has the city of Saskatoon, and Spanish residents. Lloydminster Gen Web Region is home to Aquadeo Beach. Prince Albert Gen Web Region hosts the town of Valparaiso.

Spanish speaking people in Saskatchewan may have migrated from Mexico, Central and South America such as Chile or from Spain. The early immigrant settlements are those who would list Spain as their country of origin.

Hispanic - Spanish LINKS

A Brief HIstory of Spanish Speaking People in Saskatchewan

Alameda and Lake Alma

A map of Sasktchewan with Spanish communities

Aquadeo Beach and Valparaiso

Aquadeo Beach and Valparaiso

Cyndi's List Spain, Portugal & the Basque Country España, Portugal y El País Vasco

Cyndi's List Hispanic, Central & South America, & the West Indies

Ethnic-Hispanic Mailing List

Juan De Fuca

The Large Urban Centres: Saskatoon and Regina

MIGRATION IN HISTORY:PEOPLE, IDEAS, CULTURES "Moving Around and Moving On: Spanish Emigration in the Age of Expansion"

Population Index on the Web " The first transatlantic transfer: Spanish migration to the New World, 1493-1810. "

Research Guide FamilySearch
  • Spanish Genealogical Word List
  • Spanish Letter-Writing Guide

Saskatchewan and Its People 1924:Galicians and Bukowinans.
Settlement East of Saltcoats

See Welsh-Saskatchewan for the Spanish Patagonian immigration

Spanish Collections Heirloom Seiries

Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

To submit new biographies of pioneers with Spanish to Saskatchewan Roots.

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