Finnish Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

Finnish - Saskatchewan

There were early Finnish immigrations to Saskatchewan. New Finland was a Finnish settlement in Qu'Appelle Valley, Whitewood area, South of Churchbridge, north of Wapella or in the Yorkton Gen Web Region In the early 1800's Finland was a part of the Russian Empire and had Finnish Nationalism. A change of 1870 placed Finland under Swedish Rule namely Swedish feudal land barons at this time, and army training became mandatory at 19 years. In 1889 Finnish peasantry and tenants left from Kauhava, Finland, some went to England then to the U.S.A. (Crystal Falls, Ironwood, Ishpeming) Michigan) migrating on to Canada. The 'Old Cemetery' is SW 1/4 - S36- T17 - R1- W2. The 'New Cemetery' is NW 1/4 S24 T17 R1 W2.
American copper, iron and coal mines drew Finnish migration to the Western Great Lakes Region. Following the 1907 miners strike in Minnesota, USA, Finnish settlers migrated to Saskatchewan. In 1913 there were over 100 farms and 500 people settled at "Paski Box" near Dunblane, Sk Regina Gen Web Region. This settlement was also known as the "Lake Coteau Finnish Socialist Society", "East Country", "Butcher's Hall" or "White" Finns.
The "Socialisti", "Red Devils/ Ghosts", "West Country", or the "Coteau Hills Finnish Socialist Society" settled around 1923 in the Steeldale district of Sk.
The Coteau area is at an elbow in the South Saskatchewan River between Moose Jaw and Saskatoon: Regina Gen Web Region
The earlier "New Finland" society of Southeast Saskatchewan was an agricultural settlement who emigrated from Finland prior to the establishment of political Finnish Socialism. The later Coteau setlements emigrated from Michigan and Minnesota and left Finland after the Social Democratic Party was strong in Finland. The culture of these two Finnish settlements in Saskatchewan was very distinct one from the other.
In 1930, 250 Finnish Canadians left the Coteau settlements with "Karelian Fever". This was a plan for a new "Red Finland" with collective farming, and left the Saskatchewan Depression and 'Dirty Thirties' behine. The migration route was from the Coteau Hills, Sk --> Halifax --> Gottenberg, Sweden --> Petrozavodsk, Karelia. Many Finnish Canadians who migrated to Karelia, returned to Canada in 1935.

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Finnish - Saskatchewan Links

Scandinavian countries:

Norway (Norwegian), Finland (Finnish), Iceland (Icelandic), Sweden,(Swedish) and Denmark (Danish)

An Act to incorporateThe Finnish Lutheran Church of Saskatchewan

Atlas of Saskatchewan Bloc Settlements: SCANDINAVIAN and FINISH Ethnic Bloc Settlements 1850s-1990s Map

Atlas of Saskatchewan Group Settlements

Bill Martin's Genealogy Pages - includes Finnish Pages:
..... * Excerpts from 'Archival Sources for the Study of Finnish Canadians'
....... o History of Finns in Canada
....... o Holdings of the NAC
....... o Bibliography
..... * Main Page for Index of Finnish Obituaries
....... o Index of Obituaries
..... * Construction in Rural Thunder Bay in 1932.
..... * Recipe for Finnish Coffee Bread
..... * Index to 'A Chronicle of Finnish Settlements in Rural Thunder Bay'
..... * Finns in the 1901 census of Northern Ontario
..... * Finnish Passengers on the Titanic
..... * Index to 'Along the Burnt Lake Trail'

Book - Life in the New Finland Woods Table of Contents

Brief History of Scandinavian Emigration to North America

BWO "Life in the New Finland Woods." New Finland Historical and Heritage Society, 1982. Books We Own Look ups

Canada's Finnish People - Facebook

Canadian Finnish Soldiers in WW II

Canadian Friends of Finland

Cyndi's List - Scandinavia & the Nordic Countries Index

Did your ancestors come from Finland? Library and Archives Canada Blog

East European Gen Web

Emigration from Finland - A Short Review - The Genealogical Society of Finland

Emigration from Finland

Emigrant Tracking Emigration from Finland and Scandinavia -

Finland Collections Heirloom Seiries

Finland Mailing Lists

Finnish-American Websites

Finnish Emigration to the United States and Canada

Finland (Genealogy site)

Finland Links

FamilySearch Research Guide
  • Finland Counties of 1939
  • Finland Counties of 1960
  • Finland Letter-Writing Guide
  • Finland Provinces
  • Finland Research Outline
  • Finnish Genealogical Word List

Finland-Swedes in Canada Discovering Some Unknown Finnish Facts (article by Mika Roinila)

Finnish Saskatchewan Genealogy Research

Finnish-Canadians 1901-1981 Institute of Migration

Finnish Churches in America - Saskatchewan

Finnish Emigration Main Page

Finnish Language Newspapers and Serial Publications. Microfilm Reel H-1832 digitised online

Finnish Language Newspapers and Serial Publications. Microfilm Reel H-1833 digitised online

Finnish Surnames in America

Finns Abroad - Expatriate Finns Institute of Migration

Finns in the United States and America

Finns in America - Patricia Latimer

Finnish Surnames in American

Genealogie Society of Finland Places/Geographic : Europe : Finland

Genealogy Resources on the Internet FINLAND MAILING LISTS

Mailing Lists GEN-NORDIC

Immigrants to Canada - Extracts From the Immigration Report of 1887 Pertaining to Settlement in the West - Scandinavia

Institute of Migration

Institute of migration - Finland

Journey from Finland to America

Life in the New Finland Woods: The History of New Finland, Saskatchewan *** Lists early settlers to New Finland, Sk

Migration, Settlement and Ethnic Relations of Finland-Swedes in Canada. Graduate Studies and Research Thesis Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Mike Petri-Olavi roinila

Naming Patterns Old German

New Finland District, Saskatchewan; includes:

..... * Heritage, New Finland One Room School District 435
..... * New Finland Church
..... * New Finland Colony Cemetery
..... * New Finland Homecoming 1888 - 1988
..... * News Paper article History of New Finland Colony covers 72 years of progress - By Ralph Gallop -

New Finland, Saskatchewan

New Finland, Saskatchewan, Canada Finnish Saskatchewan links

New Finland Finnish-Canadian Links

Origin of the Saari Surname: A Tutorial on Finnish Surnames and Farm Names

Rural Cemeteries - A source of landscape knowledge of Finnish Colony in Canada.

Saskatchewan and its People 1924: Personal Knowledge of the Early European Immigrant. Chapter. The Finns.

Scandinavian Roots - A Brief History of Scandinavian Emigration to North America

Scandinavian Roots American Lives

Siirtolaisuusinstituutti - Institute of Migration Finland-Swedes in Canada

Sukanen, NFB Ship builder film.

Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village and Museum

Tom's Story Together At Last
*-- Shipbuilder: The story of Tom Sukanen, an eccentric Finnish immigrant who homesteaded in Saskatchewan in the 1920s and '30s and built a huge iron ship that was to carry him back to his native Finland :Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village Museum

Ugstad Family Page (Norwegians)

Vanhat nimityyppimme (Finnish Names)

Virtual Finland

What to search: Topics - Genealogy and Family History - Library and Archives Canada. Immigration and Citizenship. Passenger Lists before 1865; Passenger Lists 1865-1935; Immigratino after 1935.

What to search: Topics - Genealogy and Family History - Library and Archives Canada. Ethno-Culutral and Aboriginal Groups. Finns

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