1881 Census Online |
1881 Census Online at the Family Search Internet Website |
Court Records |
Saskatchewan Probate Estate Files 1887-1931 FamilySearch Record Search A collection of historical records that is available for free online at FamilySearch.
Saskatchewan Judicial District Court Records 1891-1954 (FamilySearch Historical Records)
A collection of historical records that is available for free online at FamilySearch.org.
Saskatchewan Resources available at Family History Centres |
Saskatchewan Placenames of 1969 listed alphabetically with a link to any Family History Centre Resources for that particular place and the FHC library call number to order it.
Saskatchewan Catholic Church Records has recently been added to the familysearch.org website Catholic parishes and dioceses located in Saskatchewan. Church records. Catholic parishes in Saskatchewan, Canada.. This online archive contains baptisms, confirmations, marriages, burials, and other records from several Roman Catholic parishes created some time between the years 1846-1957.
Saskatchewan Provincial Records, 1879-1987 Images from Saskatchewan Archives such as homesteads, voter lists, pioneer questionnaires, biographies, military and municipal records, teacher registries, township registers, and Henderson Directories.
Family Search The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. - "LDS" Family History Center - "FHC" |
Saskatchewan | Learn | FamilySearch.org | Getting Started
Family Search Searches these Online databases:
- 1880 United States, 1881 British Isles, or the 1881 Canadian Census
- Ancestral File
International Genealogical Index
Pedigree Resource File
US Social Security Death Index
Vital Records Index
Search Family History Web Sites
Research Helps Canadian and Provincial and other source guides
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Canada Family History Library resources "Library", and "Family History Library Catalog" The following is a search of material for Saskatchewan.
- Archives and libraries
- Archives and libraries - Directories
- Archives and libraries - Inventories, registers, catalogs
- Archives and libraries - Inventories, registers, catalogs - Periodicals
- Bibliography
- Biography
- Business records and commerce
- Cemeteries
- Cemeteries - Directories
- Census - 1881
- Census - 1884 - Statistics
- Census - 1891
- Census - 1891 - Indexes
- Census - 1901
- Census - 1905
- Centennial celebrations, etc.
- Church history
- Church history - Bibliography
- Church records
- Church records - Inventories, registers, catalogs
- Colonization
- Description and travel
- Emigration and immigration
- Gazetteers
- Genealogy
- Genealogy - Directories
- Genealogy - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- Genealogy - Indexes
- Genealogy - Periodicals
- Genealogy - Societies
- History
- History - Bibliography
- History - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- History - Periodicals
- History - Sources
- Jewish history
- Jewish records
- Land and property
- Maps
- Minorities
- Minorities - Bibliography
- Minorities - Genealogy
- Minorities - Genealogy - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- Minorities - History
- Minorities - Inventories, registers, catalogs
- Minorities - Statistics
- Names, Geographical
- Names, Personal - Indexes
- Native races
- Native races - Biography
- Native races - Maps
- Newspapers - Bibliography
- Newspapers - History
- Newspapers - Indexes
- Occupations - Directories
- Officials and employees
- Politics and government
- Postal and shipping guides
- Public records
- Schools
- Schools - History
- Social life and customs
- Societies - Directories
- Societies - History
- Vital records
Saskatchewan Catholic Church Records (FamilySearch Historical Records)
Saskatchewan Roman Catholic Churches ~ Online Parish Registers ~ History
Family Search Historical Record Collections.
- Saskatchewan Provincial Records, 1879-1987 (Browse Images)
- Saskatchewan, Catholic Church Records, 1846-1957 Browse Images)
- Saskatchewan, Judicial District Court Records, 1891-1954 Browse Images)
- Saskatchewan, Probate Estate Files, 1887-1931 (coming online)
Saskatchewan Catholic Church Records have recently been added to the familysearch.org website Catholic parishes and dioceses located in Saskatchewan. Church records. Catholic parishes in Saskatchewan, Canada.. This online Searchable archive contains baptisms, confirmations, marriages, burials, and other records from several Roman Catholic parishes created some time between the years 1846-1957. For more using the online Saskatchewan, Catholic Church Records, 1846-1957 LISING ADDITIONALLY: Saskatchewan Church Records Addresses of some of the major denominations in Saskatchewan (FamilySearch)
- Family Search
Saskatchewan Cemeteries Series 1, 2, and 3 compiled by the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society and put into the Family History library at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are now not only on microfilm, but also are searchable online. Transcripts of tombstones from various cemeteries. Upon looking up this record, a card is revealed, each card has a number, for example, 152.5. The corresponding municipality and cemetery for that number is found in the cemetery key listing in the wiki article about the collection. "Learn more?
Saskatchewan Online Genealogy Records. Saskatchewan Online Databases
Saskatchewan Church Records Addresses of some of the major denominations in Saskatchewan (FamilySearch)
Free Pamphlets to order to explain how to use The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Library Sites
34113 Family Search Using Ancestral File
31026 International Genealogical Index (IGI) on microfiche
31025 Using the International Genealogical Index (on compact disk)
34029 Contributing Informaton to Ancestral File
31024 Finding an IGI Source
34083 Family History Publications List
35268 FHC Address Lists Canada
Order from Salt Lake Distribution Center
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Genealogy Resources on the Internet - LDS Mailing Lists
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To register send an e-mail with the word subscribe in the subject : LDS-Genealogy Digest Mode and LDS-Genealogy List Mode. The mailing address for postings after you have subscribed is LDS-GENEALOGY-L@rootsweb.com
LDS-LESSONS Mailing List
The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Canada: Saskatchewan: Family History Centers --locations
Family History Centres of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Global Gazette: English and Welsh Roots: April 15, 1999 Vol. III, No. 06
The LDS Family Search ? Website: Using The Batch Numbers Global Gazette Volume III, Number 17
The LDS Family Search Website: From Batch Numbers to Original Records. Global Gazette November 5, 1999 Vol. III, No. 21
Research Guides FamilySearch - Canada 1871/1881 Census Worksheet
- Canada 1891 Census Worksheet
- Canada 1901 Census Worksheet
- Canada Map
- Canada Previous Research, Part 1
- Canada Previous Research, Part 2
- Canada Research Outline
- How Do I Begin?
- How to Locate Your Ancestor in Canada
- How to Recognize Your Canadian Ancestor
- Major Indexes for Canada and Each Province
- Name Variations in Canadian Indexes and Records
- Saskatchewan Research Outline
- Saskatchewan, Canada, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records
- Saskatchewan, Canada, Boundary Changes and Maps
- Saskatchewan, Canada, Historical Background
- Saskatchewan, Canada, National Census, 1881 to 1901
- The Basics on How to Search for Ancestors in Canada
Rootsweb Message Boards - Boards > Topics > Research Resources- LDS Resources
- Family History Library & Centers
- Lookups
Rootsweb Posting Boards: Boards > Topics > Religions and Religious
Searching Passenger Lists Using the LDS Family History Library Catalog: Global Gazette
Top | Resources | Home
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. - LDS -Saskatchewan Locations |
Phone for Hours
Kindersley Saskatchewan
820 1st Street West
Kindersley, Saskatchewan, Canada
Phone: (306) 463-4808
Check for hours of operation in December and July.
Moose Jaw Saskatchewan
15 Woodpark Drive
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
Phone: (306) 692-3246
Prince Albert Saskatchewan
452 30th Street East
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada
Phone: (306) 763-7874
Check for hours of operation in December and July.
Regina Saskatchewan
550 Sangster Blvd
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Phone: (306) 543-2782
Hours: T,W 6:30-9:30pm; Th 9:30-11:30am, 1-5pm, 6:30-9:30pm;
F 9:30am-2:30pm
Check for hours of operation in December.
Saskatoon Saskatchewan
1429 10th Street
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Phone: (306) 343-6060
Check for hours of operation in December.
Family History Centers in Canada
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