Scandinavian Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots


Norway (Norwegian), Finland (Finnish), Iceland (Icelandic), Sweden,(Swedish) and Denmark (Danish)

1922 Maps The New World Atlas and Gazetteer - Norway and Sweden, Denmark

Atlas of Saskatchewan Bloc Settlements: SCANDINAVIAN and FINISH Ethnic Bloc Settlements 1850s-1990s Map

Atlas of Saskatchewan Group Settlements

A Brief History of Scandinavian Emigration to North America

Danish emigration Archives

Danish Immigration to America:

Digitalarkivet (The Digital Archive) National Archives of Norway

- 1801 census, Emigrants - Registers - Ships' lists - Pass registers - Bergen by municipality, and much more

Cyndi's List - Scandinavia & the Nordic Countries Index

Emigration from Finland - A Short Review - The Genealogical Society of Finland

Finland-Swedes in Canada (article by Mika Roinila)

History of Naicam, Saskatchewan, Canada

Immigrants to Canada - Extracts From the Immigration Report of 1887 Pertaining to Settlement in the West - Scandinavia

Immigrants to Canada -Norwegians

Norway Genealogy

Norwegian-American Immigration and Local History

Our Roots Canada's Local Histories Online - Land of beyond : Leknes family history and genealogy Felske, Evelyn: Scandinavian Settlement at Govan, Sk Rootsweb Posting Boards Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Ships from Europe

Saskatchewan (Norway - the official site in Canada)

Scandinavian Names

Scandinavian Roots - A Brief History of Scandinavian Emigration to North America

Scandinavian Roots American Lives Archives and Institutions

Scandinavian, Swedish, Norwegian - American page of Genealogy

»»See Danish-Saskatchewan

»»See Finnish-Saskatchewan

»»See Icelandic-Saskatchewan

»»See Norwegian-Saskatchewan

»»See Swedish-Saskatchewan

The Ugstad Family Page (Norwegians)

Vikings in America

Village of Buchanan Cemetery - Buchanan, Saskatchewan

Virtual Finland

Welcome to Sweden Genealogy

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