Hutterite Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots


Hutterite beliefs are related to the Mennonites and the Amish and descendants of the Anabaptists. Anabaptists have Swiss-South German, Dutch-North German, Mennonite and Hutterite divisions.

Colonies have less than 100 residents, about 12-23 families each.

About Samuel Hofer Saskatchewan/Canada Author

Atlas of Saskatchewan HUTTERITE Bloc Settlements: Ethnic Bloc Settlements 1850s-1990s Map

Atlas of Saskatchewan Group Settlements

History of the Hutterites

Hofer Publishers Books about the Hutterites (Hutterian Brethren) by Samuel Hofer

Hutterite Genealogy Home Page

Hutterite Place Names in North America: Lehrerleut Colonies List (1973) by John A. Hostetler

Hutterite Reference Links

Hutterite Way of Life

Hutterite Web Site Links

Polka Dot Press - I Am Hutterite by Mary-Ann Kirkby

»»»See Mennonite

»»»See German - Germany

Saskatchewan German Council Publications

Syllabus for German Immigrant Culture in America - The Hutterites

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