American Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

American - United States -

Some Saskatchewan place names of interest with American settlers in the early 1900's are Ebenezeer, Marchwell (Marchwell, SK << USA << Scandinavia) , Esterhazy (Esterhzay, USA << Pennsylvania << Hungary), Langenburg, Edenwold, and Neudorf of the Yorkton Gen Web Region.
Climax (Swift Current Gen Web Region) had immigrants from North Dakota who had arrived there from Scandinavia.
.....Southern Saskatchewan, known as the Provisional District of Assiniboia (Map from the Atlas of Saskatchewan) prior to 1905 is represented by Swift Current , Moose Jaw , and Weyburn Gen Web Regions hosted many American ranchers. In the late 1800s Americans from Texas, Montana, and Arizona herded Cattle to the Cypress Hills, Big Muddy Area. Manitoba Land Investments Corporation was an American land company. American Ranching companies such as Olivier's Ranch NW 15-41-25 on Fort Qu'Appelle Touchwood Trail, McKinzies' Ranch near Basin Lake, Venne Ranch in Menaginous Hills, Turkey Track (A.J. Tony Day) one of several ranches near Hallonquist, Sk, the "76" near Swift Current (10 ranches of the "76" between Swift Current and Calgary, Ab of these 10 ranches they were mainly between Maple Creek, Sk and the U.S. Canada border), Matador Murdo MacKenzie north of Rush Lake, Gull Lake Ranching Company (of James G. Millar), Circle Diamond spread in the flat of Frenchman Creek and Wayne Ranch (run by Campbell McCutcheon) were established in Southern Saskatchewan between 1881 and 1906 after the decline of the buffalo and Canadian leasehold legislation was passed to promote ranching. American ranches prospered around Swift Current, Medicine Hat, and Maple Creek, supplying horses for the Boer War in 1900 and for the 1896 Klondike Gold Rush. Many Montana Ranchers in the Eastend area left after the devastating winter of 1906-07.
.....Around the 1860's, Cypress Hills was known as 'Whoop Up' country. This was essentially a Blackfoot area, with American traders of Fort Whoop Up, Fort SlideOut, Fort Standoff, Fort Robber's Roost, and Fort Whiskey Gap. Cree, Assiniboine and Mountain Stoneys were also affected with the trade of whisky and rapid fire weapons at this time. Beginning in 1874 the N.W.M. Police's presence became known in this region. Wood Mountain and Fort Walsh of Cypress Hills were police detachments bearing down on whisky traders
.....As the buffalo began disappearing, Indian refugees migrated northward from the U.S.A. By the late 1870's there were more than 5,000 aboriginal persons in the Cypress Hills area. Texas, Montana, and Dakotas Americans migrated to the Cypress Hills area as the Blackfeet and Saulteaux moved yet further north.

Mankota with Minnesota settlers, Congress with North Dakota settlers and Moose Jaw of the Moose Jaw Gen Web Region are other Saskatchewan place names where there were some early American settlements. The Klu Klux Klan (KKK) had a brief migration from USA to Moose Jaw, Sk.
.....The Soo Line completed between 1890-1897 connected Moose Jaw - Weyburn - Estevan- Portal - Minneapolis - St. Paul - Chicago. Moose Jaw at the end of the 'Soo Line" in the 1920's was a hideout for Chicago gangsters in the roaring twenties. A rich history of gangster hideout tunnels in the town of Moose Jaw and the Bootleg whiskey trade to the Dakotas colored the 1920's prohibition days.

Weyburn Gen Web Region had American settlers in the towns of Carlyle, Arcola, Minton, Willmar (Minnesota, USA to Willmar, Sk) and Stowe (later called Brooking was west of Radville). Prohibition days were from the late teens to early thirties of the twentieth century. Bienfait, Sk was headquarters for bootlegging of homebrew made of chokecherries and wheat. Booze was peddled between North Dakota, and Montana with Estevann, Willow Bunch, and Assiniboia, Beinfait. The old southern coal mines in the area were hide outs for peddlers carrying 'Blind Pigs', 'Rheumatic Medicine', 'Chicken Pock', and 'Holy Water'.
The Sk Valley Land Co. was instrumental in settling a tract of land between Saskatoon and Regina enticing immigrants from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, and the Dakotas. The city of Regina, Penzance and Bechard (Between Lewvan and Riceton) of the Regina Gen Web Region had settlers from the USA. 1,000,000 acres of land were purchased by the Colonel A.D. Davidson of the Sk Valley Land Comapny in the Davidson area. They brought pioneers by train to this area from Chicago, St. Paul, Winnipeg, etc.
In the Saskatoon Gen Web Region there were American settlements near Vonda, and Attica (North of Lanigan). Leckford north of Rosthern (later named Bonne Plaine and La Plaine for a subsequent French settlement) originally was founded by Americans in the area. Kenaston was first named Bonnigton, NWT and was settled with Americans by the Saskatchewan Land Valley Company. Bruno was settled by Americans who were recruited by the German American Land Company. Muenster was settled by the Benedictines of Cluny Priory, Illinois, USA. Nearby St. Benedict was settled by the Illinois Benedictine Priory. Dundurn's American immigrants were settled by E.J. Melicke land agent. He brought German and Scandinavian Americans to this area from land purchased from the Temperance Colony in 1902. The neighboring towns of Hanley ( Saskatoon Gen Web Region) was settled by immigrants from Minnesota, USA and Indi by immigrants from Indiana,USA. The first group of settlers to Allan, Sk were from America in 1903. These immigrants were first enticed from Germany to free homesteads in Russia, then to U.S. offer of free quarter section, quarter section pre-emption and quarter section wood lot in the American Dakotas. In 1903 they migrated from the American Dakotasto the Rosthern area, District of Saskatchewan, NWT then to the Allan district.
Lintlaw was an American settlement of the (Kamsack Gen Web Region)
German settlers around Kansas migrated to Liebenthal of the Kindersley Gen Web Region.
Scott was settled by Luse Land Development Company attracting folks from St. Paul, Minnesota. Cando, Scott and Hoosier (Indiana settlers) were all of the Battleford Gen Web Region.
Arborfield (Prince Albert Gen Web Region) had settlers from Massachusetts, USA.
Spiritwood of theLloydminster Gen Web Region had American beginnings. Cavalier, North west of Meota (Lloydminster Gen Web Region ) was settled by immigrants from North Dakota, USA
Settlers from Iowa homesteded at Hawkeye and from Minnesota at Hoo Doo. Migration from Scandinavia to North Dakota to Una, Sk. Warmley was an American settlement by the Porter Land Company.

Source | Bibliography | Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

American - United States -

1922 Maps The New World Atlas and Gazetteer United States of America

American Emigration to Canada Selected Essays

American Emigration to Pittsburgh

American Representatives in Canada

A History of American Immigration to Canada

Bingham, Harold C. - Biography

Boards > Localities > North America > United States > General

Boards > Localities > North America > United States > Special

Boards > Localities > North America > United States > States

Calder, Leonard G. - Biography

C.I.C.Canada | Forging Our Legacy: Canadian Citizenship and Immigration 1900-1977: * Courting Americans

USA Tragedy (9/11/2001) Mourning Victims of US Attack (9/11/2001)

Courting Americans: CIC Canada | Forging Our Legacy: Canadian Citizenship and Immigration 1900-1977
... Over 750,000 immigrants entered Canada from the USA between 1901 and 1914.

Cyndi's List United States Index

*--Library of Congress
*--National Archives
*--Social Security
*--Territories and Possessions
*--US Census
*--US History
*--US Military
*--US Military
*-- US Vital Records

Howard Family Tree and Autobiography of Ralph John Wesley Howard. Homesteaders from the United States.

Marshall, Benjamin F. - Biography

Murphy, Edmund E.- Biography

New World Atlas and Gazetteer 1922 Map of Los Angeles and California

Parks Canada - Grasslands NPC Management Plan

Paul, L.A. - Biography

Pettingell, William G. - Biography

Recrutement dans les usines americaines et l?immigration vers l'Ouest

Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: BIGELOW, The Honourable Henry Veeder

Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: WOOD, His Honour Judge Charles Edward Dudley

Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: RAMSLAND, Mrs. Sarah K. M.L.A.,

Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: WHITMORE: The late J. A.,,

Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: CREPEAU: Jean Batiste, B.A.

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