Belgian Flemish Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

Belgium - Belgian - Flemish

There were three different Belgian Immigrants: Flemings from North Belgium who spoke flemish, Walloons from South Belgium who spoke French, and Brussels, from Central Belgium who used a mix.

Weyburn Gen Web Region has genealogy information and posting boards for settlement places with Belgian settlers near Bellegarde, Benson, Bryant, Estevan, Fleming, Radville, and Torquay. Belgian immigrants also settled in Southern Saskatchewan near Swift Current ( Swift Current Gen Web Region). Davidson is in the Regina Gen Web Region. Moose Jaw Gen Web Region has Belgian settlers near La Fleche. Peesane is further north in the Kamsack Gen Web Region

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Belgium - Belgian - Flemish Links

1922 Maps The New World Atlas and Gazetteer - Netherlands and Belgium

Belgians Abroad Electronic Link

Belgians abroad Home Pages

Belgium - "A small colony of Belgians and Dutch settlers was established at Davidson, Saskatchewan."

Belgium Mailing Lists - BELGIUM-ROOTS

BELGIUM-ROOTS-L Archives Belgians in Saskatchewan, Canada Tecumseh on the Prairies: Forget, Heward, Stoughton Look up offer

BELGIUM-ROOTS-L Archives More Belgians in Saskatchewan, Canada Heritage: Gravelbourg - District, 1906-1985 Look up offer

. BELGIUM-ROOTS-L Archives Belgians in Saskatchewan, Canada

BELGIUM-ROOTS-L Antwerp (BEL) 4 March 1927 - Halifax (CAN) 13 March 1927 Passengers List with Belgian Emigrants

  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Greenland
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Latvia
  • Liechenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland

Cyndi's List - Belgium / Belgique / België

Emigrants from Belgium to the United States and Canada

Ethnic-European Mailing Lists BELGIAN-AMERICAN

Favorite Links of the Genealogical Society for Flemish Americans

Francophones " Around Rockglen there was a significant Belgian community"

French Letter Writing Guide: FamilySearch
Genealogical Society of Flemish Americans

Genealogical Society of Flemish Americans

Genealogy Belgium The Belgium Roots Project

Genealogy Benelux Web Ring Search Page

Ituna-Wadena Parish District Birmingham Orthodox Cemetery

Meaning of the Surname

"... Belgian surnames are either of French or Dutch Origin. In the North, surnames tend to be of a Dutch origin and are similar in nature to those found in the Netherlands. The remainder of the country falls under French influence, particulary the Walloon dialect, and surnames from these areas resemble those of the French."

Mennonite Genealogy Data Index (Old Flemish or Groeningen Mennonisten Societaet)

MHSC Mennonite Historical Society "Northwest Territories (Hague, [Sask.] beginning in 1890; Swift Current, [Sask.] beginning in 1900)."

Orbans In The World "Across the Prairies in Saskatchewan, in the small village of Arbury on a grid road, just a little south of the Hamlet of Serath, off the #6 Highway, half of the population are called Orban!"

Rootsweb Posting Boards Immigration and Emigration Ships from Europe

Rural Belgian History

Young Immigrants to Canada - Emigrants Handbook of 1864

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