Croatian Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

Croatia - Croatian

Old Yugoslav or Yugoslavia (South Slavs or Balkan Region)- includes Bosnia, Croatia, Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Vojvodina. Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, and Slovenian are all "South Slavic" languages. 1

Regina Gen Web Region is host to Bladworth, and the City of Regina which had Croatian Settlers in the beginning of the 1900s. Hanley, Duck Lake and Kenaston or "Little Lovinac" further north in the Saskatoon Gen Web Region also showed Croatian immigration as well as Lisgar in the Prince Albert Gen Web Region. These regional web pages host genconnect query boards, genealogical information for research in these areas of Saskatchewan.

Source | Bibliography | Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

Croatia - Croatian - Saskatchewan Links

Atlas of Saskatchewan Bloc Settlements: CROATIAN Ethnic Bloc Settlements 1850s-1990s Map

Christine Grade 5 Project Canadian Heritage


Croatia Collections Heirloom Seiries

Croatians in Canada and Ontario

Croatia Mailing Lists

Cross Index of Croatia Surnames (and Locations) in Roman Catholic Parishes of Croatia

Cyndi's List Eastern Europe

East European Gen Web

Early Croatian Given Names

Embassy of Croatia to Canada - Croatians in Canada

Genealogical Bibliography: Geographical Perspectives outside Croatia

Genealogy in Croatia

Immigrants to Canada - Hungarians, Croatians, Romanians, Slovaks and Czechs

Lynne Yelich Member of Parliament for BlackstrapB
Peopling of Canada: 1946-1976 The Croatians and Serbs in Canada

Rootsweb Posting Boards -Boards > Topics > Ethnic / Race / Slovak Roots

Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

To submit new biographies of pioneers with Croatian to Saskatchewan Roots.

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Saskatchewan Genealogy Query Posting Boards

Query | Bible | Biography | Birth | Cemetery | Census | Death | Deed | Immigration | Look up | Marriage | Military | Obituary | Pension | Will