Swedish Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

Swedish - Sweden

In the Yorkton Gen Web Region there was a Swedish settlement near Stockholm, Saskatchewan and Percival. Also in southern Saskatchewan, Swift Current Gen Web Region, are Admiral and Shaunavon. To the west at Earl Grey, Saskatchewan Regina Gen Web Region were Swedish baptists. Kamsack Gen Web Region hosts the settlements of Hendon, Wadena, and Elfros. Fox Valley is in the Kindersley Gen Web Region. In northern Saskatchewan White Fox and Meath Park are in the Prince Albert Gen Web Region. Whereas, in northwest Saskatchewan,Lloydminster Gen Web Region, is Canwood, Saskatchewan.

Swedish immigration to what later was called the Alpine District arrived in 1903 Stockholm (Yorkton Gen Web Region) north of the Qu’Appelle River in 1905 Broadview (Weyburn Gen Web Region), Buchanan (Kamsack Gen Web Region), Canwood (Lloydminster Gen Web Region), Elfros (Kamsack Gen Web Region) , Hendon (Kamsack Gen Web Region), Kipling(Weyburn Gen Web Region), Percival (Weyburn Gen Web Region), Prince Albert (Prince Albert Gen Web Region), Melfort (Saskatoon Gen Web Region) , and Wadena. (Saskatoon Gen Web Region)

Ordale and the Lutheran and Swedish Mission Churches of Ohlen, Saskatchewan of 1896 are no longer towns in Saskatchewan.

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Swedish - Sweden Links

Arkion - Arkiv för alla med historisk samhällsinformation. Släktforskning mm -
1890 - 1900 census archives with the following information: Household persons; Home parish, residence, county, birth year, birth place, occupation, Titel [sic], marital status, gender, family status, and etc.

1922 Maps The New World Atlas and Gazetteer - Norway and Sweden

American West European Immigration A Review of Swedish Emigration to America

Atlas of Saskatchewan Bloc Settlements: SCANDINAVIAN and FINISH Ethnic Bloc Settlements 1850s-1990s Map

Atlas of Saskatchewan Group Settlements

Background to the Emigration Who Left and Why?

  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Greenland
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Latvia
  • Liechenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland

Center for Mult-iethnic Research

Center for research and international Migration and Ethnic Relations

Cyndi's List Sweden / Sverige

Did your ancestors come from Sweden? Library and Archives Canada Blog

European Emigration Swedish emigration to America

Finland-Swedes in Canada:

History of International Migration Site

Immigrants to Canada from Continental Europe

Mailing Lists BK5forum

The Memoirs of Clarence W. Truman

Nättidningen RÖTTER - för dig som släktforskar! (Personnamn) Some Notes on Swedish Names Något om svenska personnamn

Nordic Culture > Swedes in Canada - Scandinavica.com

Norwegian-American Historical Association, Northfield, MN Scandinavian Migration to the Canadian Prairie Provinces, 1893-1914

Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: HERMANSON: H. P. Albert, M.L.A.,

Rootsweb :Genealogy Mailing Lists: Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration
  • Canada
    • General
  • Immigration
  • Ship records
  • Ships from Sweden

Saskatchewan and its People 1924 The Swedish Colonists

»»See Danish-Saskatchewan

»»See Finnish-Saskatchewan

»»See Icelandic-Saskatchewan

»»See Norwegian-Saskatchewan

»»See Scandinavian-Saskatchewan

Scandinavian, Swedish, Norwegian - American page of Genealogy

Selected list of Genealogical Sources for Swedish and Swedish-American Genealogy

Siirtolaisuusinstituutti - Institute of Migration Finland-Swedes in Canada

Svenska Emigrantinstitutet The Swedish Emigration to America

Sweden Collections ic.ca.ca Heirloom Seiries

Swedes in Canada Swedish people in Canada Research Project

Sweden Research Outline LDS

Swedish Community

SWEDEN-L: Re: [Sweden] Swedish - Patronymics

Swedes in Canada

Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center


Welcome to Swedish Genealogy

- 136,222 distinct surnames) from selected Swedish counties and parishes of the 1890 Swedish census


Ethnic origins and History | Top | Resources | Sask Gen Web

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