Hitler's Anschluss (Annexation of Austria) forced Sudeten Germans to Canada. A migration of about 1,000 Sudetan Germans took place when Hitler took over their home land in 1939. The CPR settling refugees along the Peace River for example at Tomslake, B.C. The CNR to the St. Walburg area, Saskatchewan They were granted refuge in the Lloydminster Gen Web Area, north west Saskatchewan. The refugees boarded either the Samaria or the S.S. Montcalm from the Sudeten Mountains in North Bohemia of Czechoslovakia settling in St. Walburg, Brightsand, Goodsoil, Waterhen, Loon River, Makwa, Barthel, Flat Valley and Loon Lake . In 1940 many left to help in the industrial war factories in Quebec and Ontario.
There were German speaking immigrants from Poland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Germany. Czech, Slovak, Polish, and Wendish are all "West Slavic" languages.1
In central Saskatchewan Saskatoon Gen Web Region there were several Saskatchewan settlement areas with Czechoslavian immigrants, namely, Broderick, Glenside, Kenaston, Hanley, and Strongfield. Valley Center, and Marriott are further north in the Lloydminster Gen Web Region. Gerald, Kolin A.K.A. Esterhazy, Kaposvar, and Langenburg had Slovaks and Czechs settlement which are all in the Yorkton Gen Web Region. These regional gen web pages are the starting points to get going on your research. At the regional gen web sites, find a wealth of regional information and you can peruse queries as well as post queries to help you over that "brick wall".
Source | Bibliography | Ethnic origins and History |
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Resources | Sask Gen Web
1922 Maps The New World Atlas and Gazetteer - Austria Hungary Czechoslavakia Roumania Jugoslavia
Atlas of Saskatchewan Bloc Settlements: CZECH and SLOVAK Ethnic Bloc Settlements 1850s-1990s Map
Background on Esterhazy
--Kolin United Church, established in 1894, SW of Esterhazy
Calverley Collection
Cyndi's List - Eastern Europe
Czech and Slovak
Letter-writing Guide FamilySearch Research Guide
Czech Genealogical Word List FamilySearch Research Guide
Czech Genealogy Page Vítáme vás(Welcome)
Czech Genealogy Resources
Czech Info: Bulletin Board find a Czech Ancestor
Czeching Out Our Ancestors
Czechoslovak Genealogical Society Int'l
*--Volume 12 Number 3 Theme: Slovaks and Czechs in Canada
*-- Coming in the September 2000 issue
*--Early Slovak Immigration to Canada: The Slovaks of Port William, Ontario
*--The Morning and Afternoon of My Life
*--Czechs in Manitoba
*--Czechs and Slovaks of Esterhazy, Saskatchewan
*--The First Slovak Settlement in Canada - Hun's Valley, Manitoba 1885
*--Short History of the Czechs in Canada
Czech Republic Mailing Lists- BOHEMIA
Czech/Slovak Collections ic.ca.ca Heirloom Seiries
East European Gen Web
- Albania
- Austria
- Banat
- Batschka
- Belarus
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Estonia
- Finland
- Galicia
- Hungary
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Macedonia
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- Moravia
- Poland
- Romania
- Russia
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Ukraine
- Yugoslavia
Eastern Slovakia Slovak and Carpatho-Rusyn Genealogy Research Pages
Encyclopedia of the Great Plains -Chapter Czechs -page 228 - By David J. Wishart - Book digitised online by google books
Ethnic-Czech Mailing Lists
Ethnic-Slovak Mailing Lists
Genealogicke servery
German-Bohemian Heritage Society Newsletter
Immigrants to Canada - Hungarians, Croatians, Romanians, Slovaks and Czechs
Main Street Saskatchewan St. Walburg Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists.
Motor Car Canadian Government Colonization Co.
New World Atlas and Gazetteer 1922 Map of Austria, Hungary, Czecho-slovakia, Roumania, Jugo-slavia
Our Roots - Canada's Local Histories Online - Sudeten in Saskatchewan : way to be free Saskatchewan German Council, Schilling, Rita, St. Walburg Sudeten German Club 1989
Rootsweb Posting Boards - Boards > Topics > Ethnic / Race- Bohemians
- Czech
- Slovak Roots
Rootsweb Posting Boards- Boards > Topics > Immigration and Emigration > Europe
Europe German Emigrants
Saskatchewan German Council
    *-- The Country Doctors by Henri Chatenay, 1980,     Book which chronicles many of the medical profession including
    a Sudeten German, Dr. Robert Weil of St. Walburg.
    Who Served as a Psychiatrist at Battleford, Weyburn,
    Frenchamn Butte, and the Saskatoon City Hospital.
Slovakia / Slovensko Mailing Lists
"Vítáme Vás" Welcome To Czech Republic Genealogy!
Ethnic origins and History |
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