Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan






The C.P.R. was featuring Moose Jaw, forty miles to the westward, at the expense of the capital, and the members of the Legislature who hailed from more favored locations made periodic attempts to move the seat of Government to some more desirable spot. Regina had a bad name and a curse seemed to rest upon it. It had few friends, and in the main they were but feeble apologists, and yet there was one young man who dreamed a .glowing vision of the future of this slough of despond and he had the faith that goes with works. E. A. McCallum had been studying law in the office of the late T. C. Johnstone, but a sharp attack of sickness had sent him for a considerable period to the little frame building that was dignified by the name bf "Cottage Hospital." When convalescent he found that most of his sayings had been consumed, and he would have to break his law studies to seek some more remunerative employment. He accordingly opened a small office in one of the weather-boarded shacks that then disfigured Scarth Street, and made shift to do a small brokerage and insurance business. Clients did not come along very briskly and he had, plenty of time for contemplation. He had sound judgement and keen intelligence and, not having been very long in the West, was not handicapped by the muddy rut in which his neighbours had become mired.

The first rush to the Saskatchewan valley was on. The lure of cheap and fertile land to be had almost for the taking was drawing thousands of the best class of agricultural immigrants from the Middle Western States, Ontario, and the Maritime Provinces. Northern Europe was sending out whole communities of sturdy peasants. A great English colony was establishing itself not far from the North Saskatchewan River and work on the construction of lines of railways to serve these newcomers was proceeding apace. Great stretches of the virgin prairie were being brought under cultivation, and the work of transformation was on. To the eyes of many of the old residents, long dulled by






Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan

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Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan CANADIAN PUBLICITY.CO Publishers WINNIPEG MONTREAL ST.JOHN VANCOUVER REGINA Printed and Bound by THE RYERSON PRESS TORONTO Copyright Canada 1924, by CANADIAN PUBLICITY CO. Copyright 2005 online publication

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Adamson, Julia E. Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Gen Web Project: Rootsweb. 2005. URL: http://

Saskatchewan, Geneaolgy, biographies, biography, family history, Pioneers and Prominent People of SAskatchewan, Homesteader, Sask, Sk, Canada, history, ancestors, ancestor, pioneers, forefather, immigrant, Saskatchewan, history, historical account, social studies, Saskatchewan, Geneaolgy, biographies, biography, family history, Pioneers and Prominent People of SAskatchewan, Homesteader, Sask, Sk, Canada, history, ancestors, ancestor, pioneers, forefather, immigrant, Saskatchewan, history, historical account, social studies,Saskatchewan, Geneaolgy, biographies, biography, family history, Pioneers and Prominent People of SAskatchewan, Homesteader, Sask, Sk, Canada, history, ancestors, ancestor, pioneers, forefather, immigrant, Saskatchewan, history, historical account, social studies,