Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan





personal kindness to all of us, and of the continuance of loyalty and attachment on our part."



A week later this resignation was accepted. A new Advisory Council was chosen, consisting of Messrs. Brett, Betts, Jelly and Richardson. Within ten days these gentlemen had twice placed their resignations in the hands of the Lieutenant-Governor, who finally signified his acceptance. Mr. Thomas Tweed, of Medicine Hat, was then approached by His Honour and requested to form a new Advisory Council. After consulting the members of the Assembly, Mr. Tweed submitted the names of Clinkskill, Cayley and Neff as his colleagues, and expressed his willingness to assume office, but only on the granting of three conditions by the Lieutenant-Governor. These were: a full accounting of expenditures for the previous year, 1888-89; that the estimates to come before the Assembly should show the full amount of the Dominion vote for Territorial purposes; and that all money should be voted by the Assembly and expended by the Advisory Council.


His Honour was obdurate and would not yield, though his attempts to form an Advisory Council in the confidence of the Assembly had proved abortive. The Assembly then passed a memorial to the Minister of the Interior recommending among other matters that the Lieutenant-Governor be not a member of the Advisory Council, and that "It should be declared definitely that Dominion grants to the Territories should be expended only on a vote of the Assembly." On the following day the House was prorogued.


During the recess the Lieutenant-Governor selected an Advisory Council consisting of Messrs. Brett, Betts, Richardson and Secord. On calling the Assembly together, in October, 1890, His Honour stated that he had been "obliged to select a council from among those willing to comply with the law, whether they possessed the confidence of the House or not." No mention was made in His Honour's speech of the existing friction, but that the Assembly intended to continue the




Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan

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Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan CANADIAN PUBLICITY.CO Publishers WINNIPEG MONTREAL ST.JOHN VANCOUVER REGINA Printed and Bound by THE RYERSON PRESS TORONTO Copyright Canada 1924, by CANADIAN PUBLICITY CO. Copyright 2005 online publication

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Adamson, Julia E. Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Gen Web Project: Rootsweb. 2005. URL: http://

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