Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
Commerce. Member of the Saskatchewan
Law Association. Catholic. Conservative. Now practising in Saskatoon,
GORRELL: Arthur Stirling, M.D.C.M., physician. Specialist eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases. Born Farrans'
Point, Ont., Nov. 18th, 1869,
son of George Taylor and Katherine (Fulton)
Gorrell. Married Ethel J. Cherry, Oct.
26th, 1898, and has three sons and one daughter. Educated at Brockville
Collegiate Institute and McGill University.
Past County Master, Loyal Orange, Lodge, county of Carleton, Ont. Past District
Deputy Grand Master, A.F. and A.M., Ottawa District. Grand First Principal, Grand
Chapter Canada,
R.A.M.; Grand Master, A.F. and A.M., Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan.
Lieut-Col. R.A.M.C. (Retired). 1st A.D.M.S., Mil. Dist. No. 12. Past President
Medical Staff, Regina General Hospital
and Regina Grey Nun's Hospital. An
Anglican. Address, 2303 Cornwall St., Regina.
GREENE: Mrs. S. A., regent of the Moose Jaw Daughters of the Empire,
and ex-secretary of Canadian Patriotic Fund. Born at Goderich, Ont., a daughter
of Roland and Jane (Morris) Williams. Father came to Canada
from Kingston, Jamaica.
Grandfather was Mr. Justice Williams, of the court of Middlesex County, England.
Married W.. H. Greene, and has one son, W. Harvey Greene, Engineer, Moose
Jaw. Comes of pioneer stock. Father was one of the
original settlers in Huron County,
Ont., coming there from the West Indies. Mrs. Greene was married and lived in Toronto.
Coming west, in 1911, to Moose Jaw,
at the outbreak of the war she took a keen interest in all war work, and as a
member of the LO.D.E. was, in any movement for its advancement. In 1916 was
appointed secretary, Moose Jaw Patriotic Fund, and its administration. To this
she brought much executive ability, and a large number of cases have been
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan