Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Medical
Association. President of the G;W.V.A. Member Keewatin
Club. (Prince Albert) Golf Club.
Curling Club. Past Master Masonic Lodge (Wapella Lodge). Presbyterian. Address,
Prince Albert.
MATHER: William Allan, General Supt. Canadian Pacific Railway,
Saskatchewan Dist., Moose Jaw. Born
Oshawa, Ont., Sept. 12th, 1885, a son of David L. and Catherine
(Allan) Mather. Educated public and high schools of Kenora, Ont., McGill
University; graduated in civil
engineering in 1908. After leaving college worked on construction work with
Canadian Pacific Railway, until Jan., 1911. Entered engineering and operating
Dept., 1911-1912. Supt. at Kenora until Jan., 1915; Medicine Hat, supt. until
June, 1915; Vancouver, asst. gen. supt.; Moose Jaw, supt. since Nov;, 1918.
Member Prairie Club (Moose Jaw).
Presbyterian. Address, C.P.R. Offices, Moose Jaw,
MYERS: Otto Phillip, doctor of chiropractic, Saskatoon.
Born at Geneso, Ill, U.S.A.,
April 23rd, 1868, a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Myers. Married Litta R. Innam, 1908, and was educated at
MacPherson county schools, Kansas,
Oklahoma City, Carver
College. Pennsylvania Dutch
stock, the family pioneers in America.
Mrs. Myers family related to President Andrew Johnson and the Reverend Henry
Ward Beecher. Dr. Myers was a minister of the United Brethren faith for some
years; resigned and graduated from Carver College (chiropractic), 1907
(first-class honours). Opened practice at Blackwell,
Oklahoma (four years); Pueblo,
Colorado (one year). Came to Canada,
1910; opened practice at Saskatoon
and enjoys a large and growing practice. Member of the Saskatchewan'
Society. Chiropractors, and has been licensed in the Province since 1918.
Received his academic training in Lane' University, Lecompton,
Kansas. Address, Saskatoon,
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan