Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan,
We1ls, 1878-81; rector of Fertagh, County Kilkenny,
Ireland, 1881-88. In
charge of St. Luke's, Badminster, Bristol,
1888-90. Rector of Creggam Armagh, 1890-94. Rector of Killoran, Sligo,
1895-1904. Archdeacon of Achonnry, 1902-04. Vicar of St.
Johns, Harborn, Birmingham,
1904-09. Marshal Saskatchewan,
1909-12. Incumbent of Christ Church,
Dusseldorf, Germany, 1913-14. War found Archdeacon Noyes in Germany,
and it was with great difficulty that he and his wife were enabled to leave the
country, all their household effects being confiscated. Returning to Ireland,
he was in charge of Lima Vady, County Derry, 1914-16. Returned to Canada
and retired. His son, Herbert H. Noyes, served overseas with the 5th Sask.
Battalion and was killed in action at Ypres. Archdeacon
Noyes is a cousin of the famous English poet and writer, Alfred Noyes. He is a
contributor to various religious periodicals. Address, Lloydminster.
MOXON: Arthur, B.A., B.C.L., dean and professor of law, University
of Saskatchewan. Born at Rawdon, Hants
County, Nova Scotia, 1882, son
of Joseph and Margaret E. Moxon. Educated at Dalhousie
College, Halifax (B.A.), Oxford
University (B.C.L.) Rhodes,
Scholar, Nova Scotia, 1906.
Professor of Classics, University of Saskatchewan, 1909-1911. Admitted to the
bar of Saskatchewan, 1911. Practised law, 1911. 1914, Saskatoon.
Assistant manager National Trust Co., Saskatoon
office, 1914-19. Professor of law, Saskatchewan
University, 1919. Anglican.
Address, 675 University Drive, Saskatoon.
MUNDELL: The late Lieutenant David, B.A., barrister- (Mundell &
Proctor). Born at Inverness, Scotland,
April 11th, 1883, a son of
Walter and Margaret Mundell. Married Miss Stella Reany, 1909, and has one son
(David) and two daughters. Educated at the public, schools, Brandon Collegiate,
Manitoba University.
Came to Manitoba in 1886; was
articled in
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan