Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
taught school at Holland, Man.;
and Cardston, N. W.T. Entered law office of Lougheed & Bennett, 1901;
admitted to the bars of Alberta
and Saskatchewan, 1905. Settled
in Broadview, where he has practised continuously. Secretary of the Broadview
School Board; Mayor of the town, 1912; member of the Masonic Lodge, A.F. and
A.M., and Oddfellow. Presbyterian. Conservative. Address, Broadview,
VAN KILKEN: Frederick D., doctor of chiropractic, Moose
Jaw. Born at Grand Rapids,
Michigan, 1875, son of Derk Van Kilken,
M.D., and his wife, Aurelia (Buikeman) Van Kilken. Married Henrietta Albers,
1905, and has a son and a daughter. Educated at the Grand Rapids
schools, Michigan College,
now Ross College of Chiropractic, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Comes of Holland-Dutch extraction. Family came to America
from Holland. Father practised
medicine for many years. Mother a descendant of the Prince of Orange. Authentic
documents are on record in the archives of Holland.
After graduation from college, Dr. Van Kilken entered the College
of Chiropractic, from which he
graduated in 1911; practised in Grand Rapids;
came west to Moose Jaw in August
that year, and opened his present office. Enjoys a large and increasing
practice in neighbourhood; member of the Saskatchewan Chiropractic Association.
Elder of St. Andrew's Church. Member of
the Social Service Council of Saskatchewan, representing St. Andrew's Church.
Independent. Address, Moose Jaw.
THOMPSON: Levi, barrister (Thompson, Kennedy & Hord). Born Erin
township, Wellington Co., Ont., 1855,' son of John and Sara (MacMillan)
Thompson. Married Miss M. M. Perley, daughter of the late Senator Perley, March 4th, 1884. Educated public
schools of Ontario and Rockwood
Academy. Articled in law to the
firm of Bentley, Chadwick, Thompson & Blackstock, Toronto,
Ont. Came west in
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan