Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
where he has practiced continuously.
Member of the Saskatchewan
and Alberta Bar Association.
Takes a keen interest in sports and is manager of the Semans Baseball Club. In
religion, Christian Scientist. In politics, an Independent. Address, Semans.
O'REAGAN: Walter B., B.A., barrister. Born Sussex,
King's county, N.B., September, 1883, a son of Owen and Mary (Dune) O'Reagan.
Married Martha L. Kast, 1914. Educated at country school
of N.B., Sussex Collegiate
Institute, St. Joseph's College,
N.B. Irish stock. Father and grandfather came to Canada
in 1844, from Castlebar, Ireland.
Mr. O'Reagan graduated from Fredericton
Normal School in 1902 (first class),
from St. Joseph's College in 1908
(superior class honours). Has taught school in N.B. schools and on the Grand
Manan Islands.
Came west in 1909, and taught school at Dubuc, Sask. Articled in law to J. A.
M. Patrick, K.C., 1912. Admitted to bar, 1915; taken into partnership with Mr.
Patrick and afterwards with the firm of McPhee, Smith & O'Reagan; now
practising alone. Member of the Council of Yorkton
since 1919. Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus, 1920-22; at present state
secretary, Knights of Columbus. Holds first-class teacher's license for British
Columbia. Member of the Golf Club. Address, Yorkton.
NORTHUP: Dr. Anna Elvira, O.P.H.D., osteopathic physician, Moose Jaw,
Sask. Born Granville, Washington Co., New York, U.S.A., a daughter of George H.
and Susan M. (Allan) Northup. Married Alfred J. Little, Esq., Moose
Jaw. Was educated at Granville schools, Clinton
Normal, American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Md. Dr. Northup taught
school in early life in New York State. Graduated from the American
School of Osteopathy, 1915; was
interne, Osteopathic Hospital,
Kirksville, Md., 1915-16. Postgraduate work. Came to Moose
Jaw, March, 1916, and
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan