Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan





adian Chiropractic College at Hamilton. Dr. Patterson became vice-president and instructor in technique. Practised in Hamilton, 1914-15; Elbow, Saskatchewan. Visited San Antonio, Texas, 1915-18; Humboldt, 1917-20; Summerside, P.E.I., 1920-22; returned to Saskatchewan, 1922. Enjoys a large and growing practice in Saskatoon and the surrounding neighbourhood; is frequently called to outside points on special work. Member of the Saskatchewan Chiropractors Society. Member of the I.O.O.F., Presbyterian. Conservative. Address, 5 and 6 Central Chambers, Saskatoon.


PARSONS: William Rufus, B.A., LL.B., barrister. Born Halifax Nova Scotia, April 9th, 1873, son of Jonathan and Eleanor (Cutten) Parsons. Married Lily Nichols in 1899. Educated at Halifax Public and High Schools, Acadia College; Dalhousie University. Comes of United Empire Loyalist stock. Family settled in Nova Scotia after the American Revolution. Settled at Liverpool. Mr. Parsons was articled in law, to Mr. Harris, afterwards Chief Justice Harris, and to Henry Cahan, K.C. Called to the bar, 1898; came west and opened practice at Yorkton, where he has practised continuously. Solicitor for the town of Yorkton for many years. Past president of the Canadian Club. A Mason. Baptist. Liberal. Address, Yorkton, Sask.


PAYNE: Major the Reverend Alfred Beauchamp, rector of Shaunavon. Born at Cowbridge, Glanmorganshire Wales Sept. 17th, 1882, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Mary (Stockwood) Payne. Married Marion Frances Moore (daughter of the Reverend William Moore, Rector of Lyndhurst, Ont.) and has two sons. Educated at the Cowbridge Grammar School, Smyth Naval College, St. Johns College, Winnipeg; Manitoba University. Came to Canada, 1900; farmed at Rosser; entered St. Johns College, 1902; graduated 1908 and was appointed curate of Moose Jaw. Curate of St.






Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan

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Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan CANADIAN PUBLICITY.CO Publishers WINNIPEG MONTREAL ST.JOHN VANCOUVER REGINA Printed and Bound by THE RYERSON PRESS TORONTO Copyright Canada 1924, by CANADIAN PUBLICITY CO. Copyright 2005 online publication

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Adamson, Julia E. Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Gen Web Project: Rootsweb. 2005. URL: http://

Saskatchewan, Geneaolgy, biographies, biography, family history, Pioneers and Prominent People of SAskatchewan, Homesteader, Sask, Sk, Canada, history, ancestors, ancestor, pioneers, forefather, immigrant, Saskatchewan, history, historical account, social studies, Saskatchewan, Geneaolgy, biographies, biography, family history, Pioneers and Prominent People of SAskatchewan, Homesteader, Sask, Sk, Canada, history, ancestors, ancestor, pioneers, forefather, immigrant, Saskatchewan, history, historical account, social studies,Saskatchewan, Geneaolgy, biographies, biography, family history, Pioneers and Prominent People of SAskatchewan, Homesteader, Sask, Sk, Canada, history, ancestors, ancestor, pioneers, forefather, immigrant, Saskatchewan, history, historical account, social studies,