Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan




had lived a story of Indian wars and rapine similar to that of the Whitmores, were connections; and William Kirby, whose services as a chronicler have only been exceeded by Francis Parkman, and whose "Golden Dog" will always remain a great-if not the greatest Canadian classic, was a near relation. The Whitmores were reared in an atmosphere where loyalty was like religion, and where the old-fashioned designation of gentleman reached its truest significance.


J. A. Whitmore died in Regina, very suddenly, in 1904, and he left a name behind him that ranks high amongst the pioneers, and is well worthy of the line of splendid people from which he came. His three sons are carrying on the traditions of their line. Their work is too well known and too contemporary to require more than the briefest epitome here. Indeed, it requires a separate article, for it deals with different conditions and is of a different nature.

They are amongst the most constructive citizens of the new West. Frank, the eldest, was long his father's right hand in the post office, and time and again, when ?r. Whitmore suffered from attacks of ill health, he broke his medical studies to take some of the burden of a large and growing business off his father's shoulders. He eventually graduated in medicine, but owing to the expanding business interests of hi,; brothers and himself he has never engaged in private practice. During the war he was very active in recruiting work, and went overseas as second in command of the 152nd Battalion, under Colonel Nelles, another member of a well-known U.E. Loyalist family. Unfortunately, however he suffered a severe accident during military maneuvres in Canada, the results of which forced him to return home, where he passed a considerable time in hospital, and incapacitated him from engaging in any business for many months.

A. E. Whitmore, the second son, was for a time engaged in ranching on the Rough Bark Creek, in what is now known as the Yellow Grass District. Like all





Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan

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Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan CANADIAN PUBLICITY.CO Publishers WINNIPEG MONTREAL ST.JOHN VANCOUVER REGINA Printed and Bound by THE RYERSON PRESS TORONTO Copyright Canada 1924, by CANADIAN PUBLICITY CO. Copyright 2005 online publication

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Adamson, Julia E. Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Gen Web Project: Rootsweb. 2005. URL: http://

Saskatchewan, Geneaolgy, biographies, biography, family history, Pioneers and Prominent People of SAskatchewan, Homesteader, Sask, Sk, Canada, history, ancestors, ancestor, pioneers, forefather, immigrant, Saskatchewan, history, historical account, social studies, Saskatchewan, Geneaolgy, biographies, biography, family history, Pioneers and Prominent People of SAskatchewan, Homesteader, Sask, Sk, Canada, history, ancestors, ancestor, pioneers, forefather, immigrant, Saskatchewan, history, historical account, social studies,Saskatchewan, Geneaolgy, biographies, biography, family history, Pioneers and Prominent People of SAskatchewan, Homesteader, Sask, Sk, Canada, history, ancestors, ancestor, pioneers, forefather, immigrant, Saskatchewan, history, historical account, social studies,