Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
Came to Shaunavon and formed partnership with Ephraim Gee, Esq., Crown
Prosecutor for the judicial district of Shaunavon. Joined C.E.F., 1916; 77th
Batt., C.F.A. Overseas Jan., 1917, 2nd Siege Batt. (B.E.I. Batt.) Invalided
Dec., 1917, to England.
Canada March,
1918, to Victoria, where he
continued in Casualty Unit C3 No.5, Siege Batt. Esquimault Headquarters Dist.
(Office) No. 11; discharged Aug. 21st,
1919. Returned to Moose Jaw,
where he resumed study of law. Member G.W.V.A., Golf Club. Liberal. Presbyterian.
Address, Gee & Hossie, Shaunavon.
HEANE: Richard Henry, barrister, Elbow, Sask. Born at Newport,
Shropshire, England, Sept. 8th 1885 a son of Richard and Hilda M. (Harrison)
Heane: Married Edith Mary Inglis, June 1st, 1919. Educated at English schools (Shrewsbury).
Comes of a legal family, father and grandfather practising in Newport.
Mr. Heane was articled to his father and admitted to the bar as a solicitor
before the Supreme Court in 1908; worked in London,
England, and came to Canada
1910. Regina, with Mackenzie, Brown
& Company, until 1916. Called to Saskatchewan
bar May, 1916, and opened practice at Elbow, Sask.
Chairman of the School Board. Solicitor for the town of Elbow.
Has always taken a keen interest in educational matters. Anglican.
Conservative. An enthusiastic promoter of Chautauqua. Visited Alaska
1919 as manager for Dominion Chautauquas.
HOPKINS: Edward Nicholas,
M.P. for the Moose Jaw
Constituency. Born in the County of Oxford,
Oct. 3rd, 1854, a son of
Benjamin and Margaret (Loucks) Hopkins. Married Minnie Latham, 1889, and has
one son, Edward Russell Hopkins, and Mrs. Norman Bellamy. Mr. Hopkins was
educated at the Oxford county
schools and the Commercial College,
London. North of Ireland stock.
Mother's people United Empire Loyalists. Father was pioneer; Reeve of Durham
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan