Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
quarters at Prince Albert,
afterwards at Saskatoon. Resigned
July 1st and was appointed Sheriff at Wynyard, on the opening of that Judicial
District. May 1st, 1918, was
transferred to Shaunavon; opened district, and as Sheriff and Clerk of the
Court. Sheriff Smith was chairman of the Wynyard Public and High School Boards
three years; was District Deputy 14th Masonic Dist., 1922-23; Past Master
Wynyard and Shaunavon Lodges, A.F. and A.M. Member of the Curling and Golf
Club. Presbyterian. Liberal. Address, Court House, Shaunavon.
STEWART: Captain John Alexander, D.D.S., Maple Creek (Stewart and
Kenny). Born on a ranch near Maple Creek, N.W.T.,
1891, son of John and Anne Elizabeth (Dawson)
Stewart. Educated at the Maple Creek
schools and Toronto Dental
College. Scotch ancestry.
Grandfather came to Canada
from Edinburgh in the early part of
the nineteenth century, and settled in Northumberland county. Father came west
in 1891 and engaged in ranching near Maple Creek. Was one of its real pioneers.
Dr. Stewart graduated from Toronto Dental
College, 1915. Joined C.E.F.,
C.A.D.C., December, 1915. Moose Jaw
with 128th Battalion. Overseas, Dec., 1915. Shoreham and Seaford
Camps. France,
spring of 1918. Canada,
Jan., 1919. Discharged and opened present practice, Maple Creek, Nov., 1919.
Latterly in partnership with Dr. Kenny, who also served overseas with the
C.A.D.C. Member of the Saskatchewan Dental Association; member Masonic Order.
Methodist. Conservative. Recreations, curling, golf, tennis. Address, Maple
SMITH: William W., Mayor of Swift Current (192122-23), real estate and
insurance. Born at Barnstaple, Devonshire,
England, 1885, a son of
William Robert and Maria (Ebsworth) Smith. Married Aristay Mary Fyffe, June 3rd, 1914, and has two sons and a
daughter. Educated at Shepherd's Bush and Greenwich
schools. Worked with his father in mercantile business in
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan