Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
tary Hospital; Shorncliffe Military
Hospital, Medical Board work.
Returned to Canada,
June, 1917, head officer medical board, office Ottawa,
Regina Medical Board, Medical Examiner to B.P.C., Unit Medical Director, June 15th, 1922. Secretary of the Craik
School Boards for eight years. Member of the Masonic
Order, P.D.D.G.M. Methodist. Liberal. Address, Regina.
ALLINGHAM: Arthur Wellesley; M.D., physician, Broadview, Sask. Born
Belleville, Ont., Sept. 12th, 1864,
son of Hugh and Clara (White) Allingham. Married Margaret Hawkins, Nov. 2nd, 1891, and has three sons
and three daughters. His son, Hugh Carter Allingham, killed at St. Eloi, served
with 32nd Battalion; transferred to 10th Battalion. Dr. Allingham was educated
at the public school of Warkworth, Ont.; Peterboro Collegiate and Trinity
University, Toronto.
Practised in California in
partnership with his brother, Dr. Luther Allingham.
Came to Broadview, 1893, where he has practised ever since. He has been
chairman of the School Board for many years. Member of the Council. Mayor for
several terms. Medical Health Officer for Broadview. Methodist. Conservative.
Address, Broadview, Sask.
ALLAN: James Henry, physician, B.A., M.D., C.M. Born Osgoode, Ont.,
1865; son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Johnson) Allan. Married Annie E. Barker, of Mass.,
U.S.A., 1898.
Educated Osgoode public school, Ottawa Collegiate, McGill
University; B.A., 1892; M.D., C.M.,
1895. Dr. Allan- comes of Irish stock. Came to Canada
from County Tyrone,
settled in Carleton County,
Ont., where he farmed for many years. After leaving school Dr. Allan engaged in
the teaching profession and was at Kemptville and North Gower, Ont. Graduating
from McGill in 1895, he practised at Upham, King's county, N.B., remaining
there six years. Came west in 1903, to Yellow Grass, where
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan