Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
adjusted and much money disbursed: Her administration has given
satisfaction both to the Head Executive Board of the Fund and to the soldiers
and dependents
benefited. Mrs. Greene was elected vice regent, Moose Jaw Chapter, I.O.D.E., in
1916, and regent, 1917, a position she has filled continuously ever since. She
is secretary of the Y.W.C.A. Board; one of the committee on the Beauleau Home
for fallen girls, and is a member of the joint committee for joint welfare
work. In these she is deeply interested and gives of her time freely in their
behalf. Mrs. Greene's husband served overseas during the war with the Royal
Engineers. She is a life member of Moose Jaw Chapter, I.O.D.E. One of the
National Councillors, I.O.D.E., and second vice-president, Provincial Chapter.
Address, Moose Jaw, Sask.
CLEMESHA: Frederick Chapman, architect and sculptor (Clemesha &
Portnall),. Born Preston, England,
Aug. 3rd, 1876, son of
Alfred Clemesha Esq.,
J. P. and Laura Wesley Leighton, of Buzzard, Bucks, Eng. Married Isabel
Bernice Riddell, of Preston, Aug. 4th, 1914, and has two sons. Educated at the
Friend's School, Bootham, Yorkshire. Was several years
on tea estates in Ceylon.
Ranched three years in the Argentine Republic.
Came to Canada
1901, and worked on Western ranches for two years. Came to Regina
1903, and was successful in several large architectural competitions, including
the Battlefield Memorial. Joined 46th Battalion, Canadian infantry, as
lieutenant (1915); continuous service until Armistice (wounded). Member
Assiniboia Club, Regina; Union
Club, Brussels. Recreations,
swimming, sailing, music. Has travelled in India
and the East. Member of the Society of Friends. Address, Regina.
BALL: Augustus H., M.A., LL.B., Deputy Minister of Education for Saskatchewan.
Educated Haberdashers' School, London, England;
University of
Pioneers and Prominent People, of Saskatchewan