Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
MacKINNON: Alexander Edward, B.A., LL.B., barrister. Born Strathlorne, Inverness
county, Cape Breton, N.S.,
1881, son of Hector and Annie (MacQuarrie) MacKinnon. Married Frances Maude
McIvor, 1916 and has two daughters. Educated Cape
Breton Schools Truro
Academy, Dalhousie
University; B.A., 1908; LL.B.,
1911. Taught school in early life in native Province. Principal
Inverness High School
four years. Articled in law to the late Judge MacNeil and to firm of MacInnes,
Mellish & Co., Halifax.
Admitted to the N.S. bar, Nov. 6th, 1911. Came to Western
Canada with firm of Balfour, Casey and Martin, Regina,
1911-12. Admitted to Saskatchewan
bar, October, 1912 and opened practice at Ogema in July, coming to Assiniboia.
April, 1913; town solicitor since it was founded. Member Board of Trade. He is
a Past Master St. John Lodge, A.F. and A.M.; D.D.G.M., Dist. No. 14 Grand Lodge
of Saskatchewan. Past Principal Royal
Arch Chapter, Assiniboia, No. 208, Grand Chapter of Canada.
He is secretary. County Conservative
Association and on the Executive Provincial Con. Assn. A Presbyterian.
Recreation, curling.
MacMILLAN: John Angus, LL.B., barrister, ex-M.L.A. Born at East Lake,
Ainslie, Nova Scotia, March 27th, 1888, a son of Hugh L. and Margaret
MacMillan. Educated at Dalhousie University.
Mayor of the town of Wadena, 1917.
Elected to the Saskatchewan Legislature at the General Election, 1917; ran in
1921 (defeated). Liberal. Member of the A.F. and A.M.; I.O.O.F. Presbyterian.
Address, Wadena, Sask.
MacDONALD: Hugh Wallace, barrister, solicitor. Born at Upper Stewiake,
Nova Scotia, 1867, a son of John and
Margaret (Cooke) MacDonald. Married Frances Roy in 1913, and has three sons and
a daughter. Educated at the public schools, Pictou,. N.S. ; Academy, Man.
University. Came west in 1889 and
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan