Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
member of the Varsity soccer team and captain of the Regina
Blackstones. Before coming west he was somewhat famous as a wrestler in Manitoba,
but to-day confines his attention to lawn tennis. He is Liberal in politics and
a Presbyterian in religion; a member of the Masonic Craft and of the Assiniboia
Club, Regina.
McGRATH: Captain William A. S., M.D., C.M., physician and surgeon. Born
at Crescent Lake, N.W.T.
(Sask.), 1892, son of William and
Edith (Bawden) McGrath. Married Ethel Gibson in 1919, and has one son. Educated
at the Yorkton schools, Manitoba
University. Irish stock.
Grandfather, the Reverend William McGrath, came to America
from Dublin. Was rector of Brooklyn,
N.Y.; New Westminster,
B. C., and other charges. Lived in Muskoka, Ont. Came west to Crescent
Lake, N.W.T., in 1884. Dr.
McGrath, a well known pioneer of the Yorkton
district, farmed for years; latterly in the mercantile business at Yorkton.
Dr. McGrath taught school for some time in Western schools. Graduated from Manitoba
College in 1916; on the staff of
the Winnipeg General Hospital
for a year; practised at Langenburg. Joined the C.E.F., 7th day of July, 1917;
overseas, transferred to R.A.M.C., Feb., 1918. France,
March 23rd, that year. Attached to 2nd South Midland
Ambulance, 61st Division, 2nd (6th Royal Warwicks)
61st Division until March, 1919. Demobilized and returned to Canada.
Opened present Practice at Wynyard. President G.W.V.A. Member of the School
Board. Member of the Masonic Lodge, A.F. and A.M.: I.O.O.F. Presbyterian.
Conservative. Address, Wynyard.
MCPHEE: George W., K.C., barrister, etc., member of the firm of McPhee,
Smith & Company, barristers, Yorkton, Sask. Born St. Catharines, Prince,
Edward Island, November 17th, 1880. Educated Prince of Wales College, Charlottetown,
Prince Edward Island and studied law in the
office of Weeks & Whear, Char-
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan