Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
president. Member of the Hospital Board, 1914-15-16. Past president
Sons of England. Chairman of the Health and Relief Board, City Council. Played Rugby
for Regina, 1910. Past Master local
Masonic Lodge. Grand Pursuivant, Grand Lodge A.F. and A.M., Saskatchewan.
Anglican. Address, Weyburn.
LAWS: Colonel Burnett, D.S.O., - farmer, Lloydminster.
Came to Canada,
1899, to Regina. Joined N.W.M.P.,
April 10th; stationed various posts. Was at Fort
McLeod, when he joined the
expeditionary force for South Africa,
December 25th, 1899; was with
the 1st S.M.R.'s; saw much service, returning to Canada
12th April, 1901, and
rejoined Police Force. August of that year found him in the Yukon.
He left the force in 1904, taking discharge with non-commissioned rank after
five years service; came to Edmonton and later to Lloydminster, where he
homesteaded and purchased land, with his brothers, to-day farming 800 acres. Col.
Laws joined the Canadian Militia in 1908, as sgt., on organization of 22nd
Sask. Light Horse; 1909, capt. and adj. until 1914 ; on the outbreak of the
Great War Col. Laws joined up at local headquarters and carried on
instructional work until receiving appointment, December 1st, 1914, as capt.
and adj. 1st C.M.R.'s. Overseas, June, 1915. France,
22nd September, 1915, and
joined the forces on the Ypres front. Won his majority
and became second in command of battalion, 2nd June, 1916; was at Hooge, Sanctuary Wood. Was through
the Somme, Vimy, Paschendaele and the "Last Hundred
Days," Amiens, Arras;
awarded the D.S.O. for conspicuous gallantry. Was twice mentioned in Sir
Douglas Haig's despatches; promoted lieut.-col., Droquort-Queant line. Canal Du
Nord, Cambrai, Mons. His battalion
had for its objective, on the 8th August, Hangard, which they took under stiff
opposition; awarded the Croix-de-Guerre for the "Last Hundred Days"
which was presented by the general commanding 47th French Division. The
Armistice found him
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan