Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
Schools. Scotch ancestry (Perthshire and Argylshire). Family came to Saskatchewan
in 1882; drove from Brandon, Manitoba
(nearest railway) ; homesteaded. This farm still in possession of the family.
Articled in law to A. M. Mathewson, Arcola. Called to the bar, 1913. Practised
in partnership with the late Captain H. A. Archer, until his death (killed in
action at Lens). Mr. McLellan joined the C.E.F., Jan., 1915, C.M.R.'s; overseas
that winter; France,
spring of 1916-thirty-one months in France
with 38th and 39th Batteries. He is a Trustee of the High School Board; member
of the Saskatchewan Law Assn. Presbyterian. Conservative. Member of the Curling
and Golf Club. Address, Arcola,; Bask.
McNEICE: Jakes Joseph, barrister, Foam Lake,
Sask. Born Tregarva,
Sask., son of T. J. McNeice and Mrs.
(Kelly) McNeice. Married Miss M. J. Broderick, May 19th, 1917, and has a son and daughter. Educated
Lumsden public schools, Regina College
and Wetmore Hall, Regina. Studied
law with Mackenzie, Brown & Co., Regina.
Called to the Saskatchewan bar, Jan. 1st, 1919. Has practised at Foam
Lake since April 1st, 1919. Member Masonic Lodge, A.F. and
A.M.; member and Noble Grand, Foam Lake Lodge, LO.O.F. He is a Methodist.
Recreations, tennis and curling.
MACKAY: Hector, barrister (McKim, Gerrand & MacKay), barristers.
Born Teeswater, Ont., 1883, a son Of Murdoch and Catherine (MacVicar) McKay.
Married Clara Brown, 1916. Educated at Teeswater
Public School, Portage
la Prairie, Man., High. Family
came to Pictou county, N.S., from Scotland
in the early eighties. Mr. Mackay taught school in Manitoba
and Saskatchewan for ten years.
Articled to L. T. McKim, he was admitted to the bar hi 1921, when he entered
into the present partnership. Presbyterian. Liberal. Member K.O.T.M. Lodge.
Recreations, curling and tennis. Address, Melville.
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan