Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
gaged in the Pass Dept. of the North British Railway, at Preston Pans
(fourteen months); resigned and joined the Galashiels Borough Police Force, 15th May, 1899. Remained here ten
years; resigned and came to Canada,
March, 1909. Chief of Police of Rapid City, Manitoba (three years). Appointed
Chief of Police of Weyburn, 1st of June, 1912, a position he still holds,
rounding out twenty-three years of continuous service. He is the holder of St.
Andrew's Ambulance Certificate, 1st Class. Member of the Chief Constables Assn.
Member of the Oddfellows Lodge. Presbyterian. Address, Weyburn,
BRYANT: Major John Leslie: LL.B., barrister. Born in Beach township, County
of Peel, Ont., Jan. 19th, 1874, son of Reverend James and Dora
Stuart (McGill) Bryant. Married Elizabeth Maude Mackay, Aug. 6th, 1902. Educated at Glen Allan Pub. Central
School, Guelph;
Bradford High, Upper Canada
College, and Manitoba
University. Taught school in early
life at Grimsby High
School, Wardsville
High School, principal Pakenham
High School, Principal
Carleton County Model
School, principal Regina
Public School. Articled in law to
Geo. E., afterwards Mr. Justice Taylor, Court of the King's Bench. Graduated
from Manitoba University
in law, 1910, with the degree of LL.B. Opened practice at Moose
Jaw, 1913. On Dee., 1915, joined the C.E.F., 128th
Batt., with rank of lieutenant. Trained at Moose Jaw
and Camp Hughes.
Qualified as captain and proceeded overseas, Aug., 1916. Trained in England
until battalion was broken up; went to 161st Battalion, then to 19th Reserve; reverted
to rank of lieutenant and went to France, Sept., . 1916, to 46th Battalion. In
the line at Lens; was dangerously wounded at Paschendaele, 26th Oct., 1917; invalided to Canada
and discharged May 5th, 1918.
Major Bryant was first president of the United Service Club; president
G.W.V.A.; member of the Public
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan