Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
lottetown, P.E.I. Admitted to the bar of Prince Edward Island, .July
20th, 1910. Practised law in Charlottetown,
P.E.I., until spring of 1912. Member of the Legislature, P.E.I. 1910 and 1911.
Came to Saskatoon, June, 1912, and
admitted to the bar of Saskatchewan. Practised in Saskatoon
until May, 1915. Chairman of the Board of License Commissioners for the Province
of Saskatchewan, from December,
1914, until July, 1915. Agent of the Attorney-General for the Yorkton
Judicial District, 1915 to 1918. Unsuccessful candidate for the Dominion House
of Commons for the MacKenzie District, December 21st, 1917. Member of the
Masonic Order and of the I.O.F. A Presbyterian and a Liberal.
SHARPE: Captain, J. H., M.D., physician and surgeon. Born at Toronto,
Ont., June, 1893, a son of W. H. and Jean Riddle Sharpe. Educated at the Toronto
schools and Toronto University.
At the outbreak of the Great War joined the C.A.M.C., as private, with 2nd
Casualty Clearing Station, Feb., 1915, Moore Barracks until Oct., 1915.
Returned to University, from which he graduated in May 1916; returned to England
(commissioned), R.A.M.C., 1916. R.A.M.C. Depot, Aldershot.
Went to Mesopotamia, August, 1916, on service, until
Jan, 1918; France,
1918, 1st Cavalry Fld. Amb., 11th Hussars, until Armistice. Went with the
Inter-allied Command to Berlin.
Was at Cologne, Dantzig; on duty in
England at Aldershot;
returned to Canada,
Nov., 1920. Supt. of Earl Grey
Hospital, Regina.
Came to Swift Current. Opened practice with Dr. Ross, March, 1922. Member
Kiwanis Club. Presbyterian. Address,
Swift Current.
SWANSTON: Captain, the Reverend Albert Edward. M.A., B.D., pastor of
the Union Church, Milestone: born at Holstein, Ont.,
1882, son of Walter and Jennie (Murdoch) Swanston. Educated at Yeoville
Public School, Owen
Sound Collegiate, Knox
College, Toronto
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan