Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
and High School Boards. At present holds the rank of major, 2nd
Battalion, South Saskatchewan Command, A. Company. Address, Moose
Jaw, Sask.
BLACK: Lieutenant Jay Burpee, M.C., banker, mgr. Imperial Bank. Born at
Fallmouth, N.S.,
1895, a grandson of Dr. J. C. Black, of Windsor;
son of Paul C. and Edith (Bent) Black. Educated at Falmouth,
N.S., and Rosthern,
Sask., schools. Comes of an old Maritime
family (U. E. Loyalist). Lieutenant Black's father, Mr. Paul C. Black, a
graduate of Guelph Agricultural College, came west in 1906 and for some years
was engaged in ranching at High River, Alta.; came to Saskatchewan in 1909 and
farmed in Rosthern district; was first supt. of the Rosthern. Experimental Farm
and organized it. Is now with the British C0lumbia Government in the
Agricultural Dept. Lieutenant Black entered the service of the Imperial Bank at
Rosthern in 1910, and has served in various branches of it, notably, Wilkie,
Vancouver, Spirit River, Revelstoke, and was Manager at Foam Lake. Joined
C.E.F., May, 1916, 196th Western University Battalion; overseas, October that
year; France,
April, 1917; 1st C.M.R. Vimy Ridge; Paschendaele; wounded at Amiens
in August and invalided to England;
June, 1919, reentered service of the bank; Manager at Foam
Lake; was awarded the Military
Cross for conspicuous bravery in a night raid at Hill 70 April 21st, 1917. Member of the Board of Trade of
Foam Lake.
Methodist. Liberal. Member of the G.W.V.A. Recreations, curling and tennis.
Address, Foam Lake.
BRUTON: Martin Joseph, Chief of Police, Regina.
Born near Dublin, Ireland,
1877, a son of John and Mary (Conroy) Bruton. Married Mary Frances Tobin, 1912,
and has three sons and two daughters. Educated at the Irish National. Schools.
Was with the Dublin Metropolitan Police Force eight years. Came to U.S.A.
1903. Winnipeg Police Force eight years (con-
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan