Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan.
McRAE: Roderick, manager R G. Dun and. Co., Saskatoon.
Born at Avonmore, Ont., 1887, a son of Alex F. and Annie (Robertson) McRae.
Married Maude Mitchell, December, 1909, and has one son and two daughters.
Scotch ancestry. Father came from Rosshire, Scotland.
Pioneers of Stormont county. After leaving Business College Mr. McRae worked
with the C.P.R (Montreal). Joined R
G. Dun and Co. at that city, 1904, and came west, 1906, as travelling reporter
for the company in that Province. Later, assistant manager; Saskatoon,
as manager, 1911; continuously until the present. Member of the Rotary Club.
Member of the Board of Trade. Member of the Saskatoon
Golf Club; Saskatoon Club. He is a
member of the A.F. and A.M., Scottish Rite. An Oddfellow. Presbyterian, and in
politics a Liberal. Address, 1036 Aird St:,
McEWEN: James, Sheriff Judicial District of Arcola. Born at Smith
Falls, Ont., 1867, a son of Peter
and Jessie (Abercrombie) McEwen. Married Marion Edith Bush and has one son and
a daughter. Educated at the Smith's Falls schools. Sheriff McEwen's family came
from Scotland
and settled in: Lanark county, Ont., where they farmed for many years. Sheriff McEwen
came west in 1895, to Carlyle (homesteaded), moving to Arcola in 1900, and
engaged in the lumber business. Appointed sheriff in 1910. Registrar; clerk of
the court, 1918; member, of the Town Council for many years ; member of the
School Board. member of the Saskatchewan Sheriffs' Association. Member of the
Golf Club. Member of the Masonic Order. Presbyterian. Address, Court House,
LAIRD: Captain Archibald Forbes, M.C. (Military Cross) . Born at
Blenheim, Ont., 1890, son of Archibald and Anna (Forbes) Laird. Married Sarah
Robinson, 1919. Education at Blenheim
Public School, High School, Western
University, London.
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan