Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
interne at St;. Vincent de Paul Hospital; Sherbrooke;
1914., Left far England
in spring of 1915, and was commissioned as lieutenant in R.A.M.C.; March 26th;
1915, and was attached to different regiments as regimental medical officer.
Was present at several engagements in neighborhood of Ypres
and Hill 60. Returned to Canada
upon completion of contract with Imperial Army, and in June, 1916, opened
present practice at La Fleche, where his skill and popularity have won for him
a large practice. Dr. Belcourt was accompanied overseas by his wife, who
resided in France
during his service with the army He is a brother of Edward Belcourt, P.S.S.,
professor of theology at the University
of Montreal. Is a Roman Catholic
and, as his name indicates, a French-Canadian. Address, La Fleche, Sask.
BATTEN: Leslie Charles Ross, B.A., barrister. Born at Toronto., 1893,
son of Charles and Mary (Lawson) Batten. Married Fretta
Conn, 1919, and has two sons. Educated in Toronto.,
Jarvis Collegiate, Toronto University.
Mr. Batten came west in 1910; bookkeeper with Cameron, Heap & Co..;
articled in law to J.M. Bence, K.C., Saskatoon.
Called to. the Saskatchewan bar,
Dec., 1919. Joined the Royal Flying Corps, Winnipeg,
1917, and served one year. Opened his present practice January, 1920. Solicitor
far the Canadian Bank of Commerce town of Watson;
rural municipality of Spalding,
No. 368. Canada
Banded Attorney. United States
Fidelity and Guaranty. Member of the School Board. Member of the I.O.O.F.
Methodist. Liberal. Address, Watson.
ADAMS: Major William Alexander, barrister, Qu'
Appelle. Born Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland;
educated at Ballymena and Belfast. Arrived in Canada,
Admitted to Saskatoon bar, Sept. 5th, 1913. Joined Canadian Militia,
1909. Enlisted in C.E.F; August,1914, in 9th Canadian Mounted Rifles, for
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan