Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
the late Dr. Trudeau, of St. Johns, Quebec,
and has one daughter and two sons. Devotes his leisure to the study of history
and genealogy, pertaining to the epoch of the French Regime in Canada.
A Roman Catholic. Address, Court House, Gravelbourg.
"It is of interest to note that His Honour descends in a direct
line from Joseph Masse, "Gravel de Brindellieres, a native of Dinan,
Province of Brittany, France, who emigrated to Canada in 1641, and settled at
Chateau Richer, now in the county of Montmorency fifteen miles from Quebec
City, where a representative of the family still occupies the old homestead
originally granted by the king of France. It will thus be seen that the Gravel
family are deeply rooted in the soil of Canada."-Editor.
TURNER: Harris, M.L.A.,
journalist, soldier, publicist. Born at Markdale, Ont., Oct. 3rd, 1887, son of, Adam and Mary E. (Black)
Turner. Educated at the public school, Collegiate Institute of Orangeville
Ontario. Married Alice M. Moyer, daughter of Dr: and Mrs. Sylvester Moyer, of Saskatoon,
and has one son and one daughter. Has been a journalist for many years, Vancouver
and elsewhere. Joined the C.E.F. with the 1st University Company, Saskatchewan,
April 1915; served with the Princess Patricia Regiment. Was elected to the
Saskatchewan Assembly by the vote of the overseas Saskatchewan
soldiers, in 1917; re-elected at subsequent election; senior member for Saskatoon
city and elected leader of the Opposition. Vice-president of G.W.V.A., Editor
of The Progressive. Address, Saskatoon,
GREGORY: (Colonel) Charles
Ernest, KC., barrister. Born Frederickton [sic], N.B., 1869, a son of Charles
G. and Mary Gregory. Married Maude C. Graham, 1891, and' has one son. Educated
King's College, Windsor, N.S.;
Dalhousie University,
Halifax: Appointed a King's Counsel
for Nova Scotia, 1905 ;
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan