Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
Physics-Honours. Chemistry-Honours.
Civil Engineering-Honours.
Freehand Drawing-Special Mention. French-Special Mention.
Discipline (N.C.O.'s)-Honours. Conduct-Exemplary.
"R E. Commission, 1880. Resigned, 1881. R.N.W.P. Inspector, 1882.
Superintendent, 1885. Commissioner,
"I think I am safe in saying that it has never been equalled, has
never been surpassed. In 1900, when he was promoted Commissioner, in succession
to Colonel Herchmer, the order promoting Commissioner Perry read in the most
complimentary way, and he has more than fulfilled all expectations. In fair
weather and foul his strong hand has always been on the helm of the old force,
guiding its destinies wisely and well. Thousands and thousands of miles of
country have been explored, and British Law, Order, and the accompanying Fair
Play enforced in the furthermost limits of Canada.
History will eventually prove what this work has really meant to
Canada, and will, I firmly believe, pay full tribute to the wise brain, indomitable
courage, faith in Canada and able administration of Aylesworth Bowen Perry, as
one of the builders of Canada one who took and lived up to our college motto:
'Truth, Duty, Valour,' as his guide through life, and who made the most of his
opportunities. It will be long before we see his like again."
DOBIE: Reverend George Nelson, D.D., Archdeacon and Deputy Procurator,
Diocese of Qu' Appelle, Warden St.
Chad's College,
Regina. Son of James and Jane
Dobie. Born Rowanburn, Canobie, Scotland.
Educated Blennerhasset and St. Paul's
College. Came to Canada
1886. Ordained by Bisbop Anson
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan